I luv kuchipatchis!


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Well-known member
Apr 27, 2005
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I just got my 1st Kuchipatchi 2 days ago and now they arein my top 3 fave characters!!They have really cut presents and just a few mins. ago he was getting bigger on the screen and giving me a kiss and she had a flower in her mouth! :unsure: I hope i get another kuchipatchi on my newest tama! :angry:

Yeah, Edith (my first Tama EVER) was a Kuchipatchi. I haven't had one since, though. :D

My kuchipatchi just got married to my tarakotchi bo this morning.they bothe have a baby girl

a note to whoever wants a kuticapthics (sp?)

kuticpatichis (sp?) only appear on odd geneataions, memetchis come on even generataion

To get a Kuchipatchi, you need to feed your Ichigotchi or Hinotamatchi lots of snacks and turn the lights out at night. Same for Memetchi, but you do it with a Young Mimitchi or Oniontchi. :(

I agree with mangorox.

The little picture of the Kuchipatchi begging in the Tamagotchi Connection instruction booklet is so cute! :(

OKAY, now that is here, I can talk.

I love kuchpatchis! But I used 2 always get them! I got so annoyed. But now I bearly get them...

:unsure: Kutchipatchis are my second favourite characters, right after Furawatchi! :D
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