I`m throwing up for no particular reason D:


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Well-known member
Feb 28, 2009
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Nova scotia, Canada
I don`t know what it means, not to be disgusting, it`s always orange. And I`m 10 years of age. Does anyone know what it means? And if you don`t know what it means don`t bother replying, I need serious help.

I'd say go to a doctor or tell your parents. Could it be something in your diet? Is there anything peculiar you've been eating, like does your stomach hurt after you eat it? That's all I can think of, go to your parents about it if it gets really serious.


Well, I'd suggest going to a Doctor. None of us here [ that I know of ] are experienced with medical issues like this, and TT probably isn't the best place for this kind of problem. Sorry!

Just because the food you eat isn't orange doesn't mean your barf has to be orange.. When the food goes to your stomach it can mix together and create all kinds of colours yuck XD

It could be because:

a) you're eating too many foods with sodium, check the foods you've been eating recently and see if they have a large amount of sodium. My brother used to always eat spicy meat, but it had so much sodium that he threw up like every day x.o

B) you're spending too much time in front of the screen. (TV, computer, Xbox, Gamboy, whatever) again, my brother.. he threw up last night, infact (xD) and my mom said it was because he spends too much time in front of the Xbox and his head is getting dizzy

c) you aren't hydrated enough- maybe you need to drink more water. Pop and juice doesn't count, you have to drink enough fluids otherwise your body won't have enough hydration, it could cause you to be weak (even if you don't notice) and you'll puke.

Try asking your parents or a doctor. Maybe you could google it.. But that's just my amateur knowledge. It's kind of hard to tell you why you're puking xD

And erm... good luck?

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If it lasts for more than 24 hours then you should really get to a doctor.

The cause could be simple or serious.

If it's rather continuous then maybe less than 24 hours.

Good luck and I hope you feel better soon.

Also, try to stay hydrated. I know it's easier said than done but it's very important.

That happened to me a long time ago. I was constantly throwing up, like, every five minutes for no reason. It might be a stomach virus, cuz that's what I had, but I don't know about what you have. If it doesn't go away after a few days, you should really see a doctor!

you might have ate too fast or ate something that made your stomach sick, like if you ate a mcflurry and had something with vinegar in could had made you stomach sick since if you drink anything with milk and vinegar it can turn the milk. But I don't think it would turn orange. I recently had my tounsils removed and I kept throwing up the first night until 5 am, it was horrible so I know how it feels to be vomitting constanly, I hope you feel better, you should see a doctor.

It might be because you ate too much greasy food. My stomach always turns on me when I eat too much greasy food. I remember there was a major fatty day for me when I ate nothing but fried food. It made me really sick, and I puked many times the day after. Or was it the night of?

Just a couple of days ago I got some pretty bad heart burn and had to take a cup full of that gross Pepto Bismol cause I ate nothing but grease. :p

Seems to be something wrong with your diet, or you are probably sick, or you ate something strange.

But go to a professional for help.

You might have stomach flu. i had stomach flu and it went away in a day. however if it continues for more than a couple days, see a doctor!!

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