I made a sort of info chart on tamas...


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Well-known member
May 21, 2007
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I've made a sort of collection of info and charts for V1, but I have no idea where to put it. I can't put it onto my own website, 'cause I haven't got one. So where'd I put it? :furawatchi: Could someone tell me, I'd really like people to see the result of my "hard labour" so they can comment on it, even if it were just to critisize.

okay. thanks, but i've got a further problem: how do I put it there? I tried pasting it, and you couldnt see any of the pictures, and the text came out all funny as well. Besides, if you'd print it, it would be nearly 6 pages... If it helps, I wrote it on TextEdit. (for windows, etc users: textedit is a kind of text editing program, hence the name. It's a kind of mixture of notepad and microsoft word)

Any help on the where-do-I-post-this problem would be much appreciated!

You could try posting it on the wiki, for a start. Once you get uploaded somewhere, I can convert it to say, pdf, bbcode, or wikitext for you if you'd like.

you mean the tamagotchi wiki, or wikipedia?

If it's the tama one, what was the link? I forgot...

But thanks anyhow!

right, thaks so much! :D Hopefuly it will work this time. And just in case anyone wants to check it out, I'll be calling the topic by the most obvious name: Tamagotchi V1 Info Charts

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