I need help, but I don't think I do


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Well-known member
Jan 1, 2007
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Spare Oom, War Drobe, Narnia
I'm depressed. Some of the kids think I'm emo, whatever, but anyways. I keep everything from my parents, they know alot about me and know my friends, but they don't really know what's going on in my life. Sometimes I feel like I want to kill myself, sometimes I'm really happy. My friends don't really notice because I put up a front and try to act normal and joke all the time. I don't really want to talk to my parents about it, it's just one of those things I'm pretty sure they wouldn't understand. And if I went to a psychiatrist, people would think somethings wrong with me and I don't want people to find out. What should I do?

Well, no need to double post ;]

If your feeling so low, try taking deep breaths. This may sound crazy...but a fish (xD) is a good idea, Why? because they don't talk to you, you can talk to them (...). You can just look at them, and that sometimes makes ME feel better. Call me crazy.

Maybe your just going through a phase.

But, like Storms said, get fish.

People say it helps you calm down.

Or just get a blog, or a journal and write your feelings down.

Somehow express yourself- I write in a journal or take it out on my piano [no really, when I'm mad I play SO much better!]. Maybe you should try journaling; you get your thoughts out on paper and you can more easily reflect on why you feel the way you do. You can even get a mini vioce recorder and journal like that.

Do you have a pet? Talk to them. It may sound crazy, but having someone to sit and listen to you may do you some good. Talking it out even if it's to an animal or even your favorite stufty can make you feel better.

If you are having suicidal thoughts or feel like you have to put on a fake smile grab your mom or dad [or other adult like a grandma- preferably someone in your family] when neither of you have something important going on that can be distracting and have a heart to heart. Say, 'hey Mom, can I talk to about something that have been going on lately?' and just tell her what's making you upset and depressed. It may be that you have the medical, technical depression and you parents can take you to get something to help you with it.

Who cares what other people think if you go see a phycistrist [sp?]? If it makes you feel better then do it, if you feeling like you do go to the Doctor and ask for advice.

It's not important about what the other people think it's just to help you feel better about yourself. Talking to your friends will help as it's good to talk and let your feelings out so you don't bottle them up.

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