I need new friends...


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Well-known member
Jun 22, 2006
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I have lots of friends. Lots. But UGHH! I'm so sick of them! I don't know why. I wouldn't care if I never saw any of them again...I wanna meet new people and make new friends. BUT HOW!? I've been to camp and made friends but I'll never see them again. I go to social events yet I still don't make new friends. I secretly want to switch schools JUST so I can met new people. I'm really starting to dislike all of my friends because I'm sooo sick of their faces. Most of them I've known for six years or more!

Is this just a phase? Or do I seriously need new friends?

I've felt the same way. Sometimes you just might crave something new, if something interesting isn't always going on within your group; that's exactly what happened to me. because I've been with the same people since about third grade.

If you're already talking to people that are out of your 'group', in time, there should be something you have in common with somebody new.

I don't feel that way often anymore because we all make fun of eachother so much that we eventually get fed up with it and get away from eachother for the day. It's funny how many people think we're fighting when we're actually just taking a break. I happen to be taking a break this weekend. 8D

You probably just need to take a break from them.

I kinda feel the same way this year, so I'm trying to meet all the people I don't really know, but they are all in their little groups, so it's not really working.

But that's the good thing about TT, you can meet new people, and you can't really get sick of them.

I've had times where I wanted a new beginning. But I don't usually like change. </3

I've made about 3-4 friends in the span of my whole life, and I'm pretty content.

Perhaps you should just take a break from 'em.

I suppose the thing to ask yourself is WHY do you really want to be around new people? Are these people doing things you don't approve of? That is when I would dump mine. Do you not feel a connection with any of them?

For about 2 years (maybe less) I decided to add a BUNCH of friens. My group was about 10 people. That got old FAST!! That was 7th and part of 8th grade. Ich, I scaled back to 2 friends and that was way better. I have had the same friend in my life all through school and beyond.

Maybe having a big group of friends doesn't work for you either. In such a big group, you can not really form a good friendship with any of them.

It's also kind of nice to see that you aren't too clingy and seem open to new experiences like even considering changing schools. That seems to be very unusual. Most kids would never consider leaving. I know the very idea just made me cringe.

Maybe you just need some ME time? I spent a LOT of time alone growing up. I enjoyed it. I get along with myself pretty well. :hitodetchi: I had a house full of animals to take care of too. It kept me busy. That and homework really filled my days.

It's important to get along with yourself too! That does help with relationships with others.

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I have lots of friends. Lots. But UGHH! I'm so sick of them! I don't know why. I wouldn't care if I never saw any of them again...I wanna meet new people and make new friends. BUT HOW!? I've been to camp and made friends but I'll never see them again. I go to social events yet I still don't make new friends. I secretly want to switch schools JUST so I can met new people. I'm really starting to dislike all of my friends because I'm sooo sick of their faces. Most of them I've known for six years or more!
Is this just a phase? Or do I seriously need new friends?
I've never felt that way, but maybe you should try to stay open and be friendly to make new friends...

I have lots of friends. Lots. But UGHH! I'm so sick of them! I don't know why. I wouldn't care if I never saw any of them again...I wanna meet new people and make new friends. BUT HOW!? I've been to camp and made friends but I'll never see them again. I go to social events yet I still don't make new friends. I secretly want to switch schools JUST so I can met new people. I'm really starting to dislike all of my friends because I'm sooo sick of their faces. Most of them I've known for six years or more!
Is this just a phase? Or do I seriously need new friends?
I know what you mean, it's weird. I used to say I wanted to switch schools, just for the new faces. It's one of those 'the grass isn't always greener on the otherside' type of situations. You might think having new friends is better, but maybe it's not.

I think you're feeling "trapped" only knowing your social circle, if that makes any sense. Saying that "I wouldn't care if I never saw any of them again..." is a bit harsh, but probably only said in frustration. Be thankful for all your friends, some people aren't as lucky to be blessed with friendship like you have. It's okay wanting a break, we all do, but this feeling will pass, garunteed. Like said, maybe you need a break, or more "you" time.

I don't know if you're in highschool yet, but you'll love it. Having different people in each class may be just what you need.

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I suppose the thing to ask yourself is WHY do you really want to be around new people? Are these people doing things you don't approve of?
No. She said in her post she was just "sick of their faces" because she's known them for six or more years.

I'm sorry, but in this post I am going to say my opinion, which differs slightly from the others. I think that you don't sound like a true friend, posting that you wouldn't care if you never saw any of them again. Some of my best and most trusted friends have known me for eight or more years!

You can't just have some great friends for six years, get "sick of their faces" and drop them, only to make a whole new bunch who you'll drop a few years later because of boredom. Friendship doesn't work that way. It takes a long time to build up trust in a proper friendship, and to have known someone for so long is an advantage!

If you just want to make some new friends as well, then that's fine. There are lots of activities you could become enrolled in that would give you the opportunity to make some great new friends, but to not care if you never see your old friends again, just because you're bored of them??? You seriously need to re-think this whole situation, 'cos at the moment, you are not being a nice friend, or even a nice person, at all.


You might just need a new variety of friends.

Not necessarily get rid of the friends you have now, but make more and see how that goes.

What you could do, see if your current friends and their other friends want to go to the mall or a movie or something. You may connect with some of them.

I do know what you mean about getting sick of people though.

I'm personally one of those people who hangs out with people for a few weeks, maybe months, and then kind of isolates myself for 'me' time just because I get sick of seeing the same people all the time.

No. She said in her post she was just "sick of their faces" because she's known them for six or more years.
I'm sorry, but in this post I am going to say my opinion, which differs slightly from the others. I think that you don't sound like a true friend, posting that you wouldn't care if you never saw any of them again. Some of my best and most trusted friends have known me for eight or more years!

You can't just have some great friends for six years, get "sick of their faces" and drop them, only to make a whole new bunch who you'll drop a few years later because of boredom. Friendship doesn't work that way. It takes a long time to build up trust in a proper friendship, and to have known someone for so long is an advantage!

If you just want to make some new friends as well, then that's fine. There are lots of activities you could become enrolled in that would give you the opportunity to make some great new friends, but to not care if you never see your old friends again, just because you're bored of them??? You seriously need to re-think this whole situation, 'cos at the moment, you are not being a nice friend, or even a nice person, at all.

You don't know my friends. Most of them AREN'T nice people. I'm still their friends, but I just can't stand seeing alot of them anymore. I need change. I need more variety. There are alot of my friends who I could do without...most of them have my my life miserable. Some have almost gotten my suspended, have tried to make me do bad things (I've never given in though) and have changed the person I am today. But they are ALL like that. There is not one single person who I know that hasn't hurt me in some way. So I have no choice in being their friends. I'm such a nice person that I NEVER say mean things to people. I'm always being pushed around because I'm so nice. And I'm sick of it. I'm sick of being treated like, even after six years, I don't fully belong. I don't think I fully explained about this in my post. It was more because I was angry and in a rush at the time. But nevertheless, it's more the fact of WHO THEY ARE, not just because I'M TIRED OF THEM. I am though, I'm not going to lie. Everyone is different. For you, you love being friends with someone for eight years. Me? I don't like it as much. Meeting new people, being part of new gangs...it's fun for me. Because everybody is so new and exciting. Of course, after awhile, people aren't NEW anymore. I understand that. I'm not a person to ditch her old friends for new friends. I would just enjoy meeting some new people in order to take a break from the everyday faces.

I hoped that helped in your understanding.

And to everybody else, thanks for the advice. :) It's truly appreciated.

You don't know my friends. Most of them AREN'T nice people. I'm still their friends, but I just can't stand seeing alot of them anymore. I need change. I need more variety. There are alot of my friends who I could do without...most of them have my my life miserable. Some have almost gotten my suspended, have tried to make me do bad things (I've never given in though) and have changed the person I am today. But they are ALL like that. There is not one single person who I know that hasn't hurt me in some way. So I have no choice in being their friends. I'm such a nice person that I NEVER say mean things to people. I'm always being pushed around because I'm so nice. And I'm sick of it. I'm sick of being treated like, even after six years, I don't fully belong. I don't think I fully explained about this in my post. It was more because I was angry and in a rush at the time. But nevertheless, it's more the fact of WHO THEY ARE, not just because I'M TIRED OF THEM. I am though, I'm not going to lie. Everyone is different. For you, you love being friends with someone for eight years. Me? I don't like it as much. Meeting new people, being part of new gangs...it's fun for me. Because everybody is so new and exciting. Of course, after awhile, people aren't NEW anymore. I understand that. I'm not a person to ditch her old friends for new friends. I would just enjoy meeting some new people in order to take a break from the everyday faces.
I hoped that helped in your understanding.

And to everybody else, thanks for the advice. :) It's truly appreciated.
In that case, if they're influencing you in a negative way, maybe you do need different friends. In your first post I thought you were just "bored".

List out negatives and positives about your friends. Us on TT can't make that decision for you. If you 100% feel out of place with your "friends", it might be time to leave and start over. You don't have to completely end the friendship, just build up the courage and explain that you need some distance.

You don't know my friends. Most of them AREN'T nice people. I'm still their friends, but I just can't stand seeing alot of them anymore. I need change. I need more variety. There are alot of my friends who I could do without...most of them have my my life miserable. Some have almost gotten my suspended, have tried to make me do bad things (I've never given in though) and have changed the person I am today. But they are ALL like that. There is not one single person who I know that hasn't hurt me in some way. So I have no choice in being their friends. I'm such a nice person that I NEVER say mean things to people. I'm always being pushed around because I'm so nice. And I'm sick of it. I'm sick of being treated like, even after six years, I don't fully belong. I don't think I fully explained about this in my post. It was more because I was angry and in a rush at the time. But nevertheless, it's more the fact of WHO THEY ARE, not just because I'M TIRED OF THEM. I am though, I'm not going to lie. Everyone is different. For you, you love being friends with someone for eight years. Me? I don't like it as much. Meeting new people, being part of new gangs...it's fun for me. Because everybody is so new and exciting. Of course, after awhile, people aren't NEW anymore. I understand that. I'm not a person to ditch her old friends for new friends. I would just enjoy meeting some new people in order to take a break from the everyday faces.
I hoped that helped in your understanding.

And to everybody else, thanks for the advice. :) It's truly appreciated.
I see your point now. :blink: Thanks for explaining!

If your friends are getting you suspended and making life miserable for you, then you have every right to want some more variety. Like I said before, there are some extra-curricular activites you could become involved in to help you make more friends! What are your interests? I hope this helps, sorry for the misunderstanding before! B)

Good luck! :D

Best wishes,


In that case, if they're influencing you in a negative way, maybe you do need different friends. In your first post I thought you were just "bored".
List out negatives and positives about your friends. Us on TT can't make that decision for you. If you 100% feel out of place with your "friends", it might be time to leave and start over. You don't have to completely end the friendship, just build up the courage and explain that you need some distance.
I agree.

If you can't stand them, why did you put you were just "bored"? If they try to make you do things you don't want to do, stop being their friends. I can't really help you with this one, because once you make a good friend with someone, it's hard to get them off your back. But, I guess you can try to start over and try to make new friends. I can help you with that.

1.) You can join social groups, such as clubs, or afterschool activities. (It's always easier to make a friend by having something in common.)

2.) You can join certain sports that you may/are/going to be good at.

3.) Find a person who has the same likes/dislikes as you. (TV shows, websites, videos, etc.)

I hope I helped. You make the decision for what you want to do. Let us know how it goes. :furawatchi:

I have lots of friends. Lots. But UGHH! I'm so sick of them! I don't know why. I wouldn't care if I never saw any of them again...I wanna meet new people and make new friends. BUT HOW!? I've been to camp and made friends but I'll never see them again. I go to social events yet I still don't make new friends. I secretly want to switch schools JUST so I can met new people. I'm really starting to dislike all of my friends because I'm sooo sick of their faces. Most of them I've known for six years or more!
Is this just a phase? Or do I seriously need new friends?
I felt the same way while I was moving to DE. I wanted to move so badlyand I didn't care about the. I was like "MOM MOM CAN WE PLEASE MOVE I HAVE MY FRIEND'S NUMBERS I CAN STILL CALL THEM". Then we moved. I was so scared to go to school. There were so many people and none of them wwere like my friends back in NJ. I cried for the whole first week and said that I really wanna go back. Even though I had those friends for over 6 years I still miss them and I'm crying just to see there faces again. Besides if you switch schools, you might miss your friends because you knew them for a very long time even though you can still see them sometimes. Maybe the ones who are being mean you can ignore and only consentrate on your nicer friends. Besides my teacher always told m. Friends are very hard to find but lucky to have so you should be happy. But thats just my opinion.

Also, if your school has many many students, you can meet others by joining clubs and stuff.


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If you ask me i think you don't care or don't want to care if u never see your friends again is cause you need to get closer to your "friends". I have a couple of friends that bother me and wouldn't care if i never saw again but 1 on them i've gotin a little closer 2 and she acually an ok friend

Maybe you should switch gears and talk about something exciting...I really don't know.

I guess its better to have friends who you don't really like, then to have none at all.


So I'm not the only one, thank you!

Gosh, no one believes me, I want to leave.I REALLY DO. I might get that chance, but in a year, how am I supposed to deal with a year of him flirting- never mind my problems. But I really really REALLY want to move. My school, Is really small. I've known the same class, for 7 years. After 7 years of brats and annoying kids and people using you, you are so (Oh wait, just now, one of my 'friends' just called me a stalker over AIM, how sweet. >.> So I yelled at him, ugh) fed up with them, I cannot wait, I hope my dad loses his job.

And I know that sounds selfish, and I know that sounds horrible, but I don't care.

I just want to get away, go to some different state, I think moving from Ohio to New Jersey would be good, I just hope my dad gets fired faster, or has to move for his job.

Gosh, <3

I hope.

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