I need some advice.


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Well-known member
Oct 17, 2009
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At Krystal's house (duh! I'm her famil
I had my swimming carnival yesterday and on my good friends (who is very smart and very very competitive. and can be slightly annoying) beat me in the butterfly. Now all she does is go

'HAHA! I beat you in the butterfly!'.

Then she goes

'I'm never gonna let you forget it!'.

She said it very seriously as though she was making fun of me. So today, the results were announced. Roebourne beat Sandleford so I went to her (I'm in R and she's in S) and as a joke, very lightly dropped the line

'Haha, Roebourne beat Sandleford!"

and she's goes

' Gosh, you don't have to carry on as though it's some great achievement. You brag a lot, did you know that?'

I was fuming. How can she say that when she's gone and carried on about the butterfly. I want to tell her that what she has said made me feel hurt, because I never brag. I make sure not to, because it makes people feel less fortunate. I just don't how to tell her gently, because I don't want to lose that friendship. But if I have to you really have to let me know. I know it's stupid to break a friendship because of that, but thats why I'm asking for advice.

I'm begging you!

She shouldn't be you're good friend if she does that to you. Not tryna break the friendship, but y'know?

It's HJ (you know who i'm talking about. i hope) , SimTama *gives her look as though OMG isn't it obvious. I was talking about her the other day* nah jks. But she is good friend and I just need to tell her. It's kinda sorted now, cuz its not so tense between us but now I've got a problem with another girl. She's such a suck up and she's always annoying me by throwing my books on the floor and then sitting in MY chair. Think I should tell her what I think of her?

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This is what I would do:

I would say "Oh my GOSH! Could you just PLEASE stop being an annoying immiture little brat and let me alone for once, you freak?!?!"

But that's probably not the best thing to do....

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Okay, I don't think that saying that would be a good idea.Unless you have already said that.Anyways, she doesn't seem like a real friend a real friend and it seems like she's being manipulative.You should talk to her and tell her how you feel.If that doesn't work, tell an adult you trust.

Hope it helps! :]

I would be all,


Then I would slap her and walk off slowly.

I have done that, but it is not the best thing to do.

Be like "You know what? I don't care, I'm better at other things" Probably a smart way to go instead of losing the friendship.

what i would say is

ill use the name angela for example " listen angela i love ya and all but are you kidding me. u were just bragging on and on about the butterfly and now ur yelling at me for bragging as a joke? I was kidding. and dont say you didnt brag cuz you totally did. just cool it kay?" then just walk away and let her savor it

Yeah that problem is sorted, but now I've got two others on my back. One is having a go at me because some guy went through my phone and took her number. She was going It's not funny! BUT FOR CRYING OUT LOUD, HE READ MY PRIVATE MESSAGES! And the other is throwing my stuff on the floor all the time.

ppl throw my stuff on the floor to i go what the heck and there like oh cry me a river baby and i just say " if i did obviously u would just pollute it"

Yeah that problem is sorted, but now I've got two others on my back. One is having a go at me because some guy went through my phone and took her number. She was going It's not funny! BUT FOR CRYING OUT LOUD, HE READ MY PRIVATE MESSAGES! And the other is throwing my stuff on the floor all the time.
I got a better question to ask instead of what to dooo lol.

Why are you interacting and being friends with people who are rather nasty to deal with? If I had one friend bragging like that to stir me, and another reading into private things and yet ANOTHER who throws my property around...don't you think it is time to look into why you're hanging out with those people? And why not find poeple who respect you more?

I mean yes friends can have fights and bad stuff may happen but oy!

No it only started at or after the swimming carnival. The one who was bragging has finally shut up because I told her to get lost. She's apologised and we're good friends again. The message problem has been solved and everyones happy. Actually, the other one is over now as well.


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