I need some help finding someone


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May 27, 2007
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This is a copypasta from the other forums I posted this on (It is still my problem), so if it doesn't correspond with the title or anything, then whatever =P

Also, some people asked questions and I answered them, with information I didn't post in the main body. I'll be tagging those pieces onto the end, so they won't flow with the main body ~_o Also note, this is a Wall of Text, and I don't expect you to read all of it. Just the first like 10 paragraphs will do, then you can skim the rest. It's very dramatic, so deal with it =P

Also, for some reason, I've been thinking about this girl I used to be friends with like 4 years ago =S Here's the full story-

Around 4 or 5 years back, there was a girl at my church that I really liked. She was really mean and violent and stuff, but when she wasn't in public she was pretty nice =D Her name was Rachel.

However, one week at a camp, I had 2 groups of friends- Her, and I had made some new friends from my church that were guys (Yeah, most of my friends are girls. I'm a chick magnet XD). Anyway, she was calling me a "dog" and stuff, being super-bossy like she always was. I finally got mad (Well, not really mad, but annoyed), and went to her and said "Since you've been calling me a dog, I should call YOU something, but I'm not allowed to say that." Then I walked away and haven't talked to her since, except one time when i ran into her and she said, "We used to hang out all the time, what happened?"

Now, I have recently been thinking about her. We never "really" went out, but I always consider that moment when I "dumped" her. That's one of the worst ways I can imagine >_> And I never went back and apologized for that, and it's bugging me- Especially since I still kinda like her.

And the thing that makes this VERY significant- Last night I had a dream concerning her. I NEVER have dreams. This is my 4th dream, EVER. The first 2 were nightmares when I was like 4 or 5, and the 3rd one was really weird, but concerning Texas because Texas pwns =P Anyway, that's making me want to really take action about this.

I have no way to contact her. I know her full name though, and where she lived 4 years ago (I am not sure if she's moved or not tbh). Now, what should I do about this? there's no way I'm going to just forget it, and I really don't know how to find her. I've google searched her name and came up with random people, then searched the name and town and came up with nothing. I searced her school's site and stuff, nothing.

The best thing I can think of right now is looking up people with her last name on whitepages.com that live in that town, and hope I get the right one. I remember her dad was a cop too, so I can use that :rolleyes:

So, does anybody know of any sites or resources I could use to get contact with her? If not win her back, at least apologize for what I did. Idc if she doesn't remember what I did, or even if she doesn't remember me. It's just something I gotta do >_>

I just checked myspace and facebook and found nothing. And everybody the right age lives in the UK. Dangit. I also found her on whitepages, or at least one of her parents, but it's not giving me the #. It's giving me the address though, like that does a lot of good =S I would drive 8+ hours for that, but I don't have a license yet... I've been neglecting it tbh rofl.

A r sad... I might can call the church, but I'm not sure who all still works there and stuff lol. I can ask about it though....

this isn't borderline stalker. It's simply trying to regain contact with an old friend of mine. I'm not watching her in her sleep or anything, I just want her number or something =S

And also, I have another friend, but idk how to spell his last name. he's probably graduated by now though, so he'll be easier to find... Once I can figure out how to spell his last name =X And the funny thing is, he was dating the girl I liked rofl. Except everbody called her "Evil Canevil" or however you spell it. I think it's a reference off of something else, but they called her that because she was mean =P

Then he went out with her after I had pretty much screwed our relationship. That was painful tbh lol.

Plus, if worse comes to worse, I plan on going to college in Texas anyway. I could always just drop by my old church and ask about it. She's in a lower grade than me I think..... Or same grade, I have no idea. Dangit >_> I forgot if she was a few months older a few younger.

Anyways, I hope she's a lower grade than me so I can drop by and ask about her lol.

But yeah, I'm not going to say I got ideas from a gaming website to find her lol. I am going to say that it took some effort to find her though XD I actually thought of starting it out like "Hey... uh... This si *instert my name*.... Do you .. uh...remember me?....." or something like that =P

That would be easier if I knew the community there, but that church was in a town 30 minutes from where I lived.... So I have limited information on the subject =S

I'm looking through myspace within 25 miles, but I have discovered that everything happens to be... EXTREMELY close to where I had lived before. And where my ex-gf lives now... Like, within 30 miles. I might can abuse that information, and next time I visit down there, I could convince my parents to go check out the old church... Hmmm...

But idk when that will be =( And idk if she even still lives there, it's been years. Dang =|

Hmmmm... Asking to go to the church is a lot less suspicious than asking to go to a specific person's house :angry: I think I like that, but it will be a long while... And if I'm persistent about wanting to go to the church, my parents will get suspicious of why I want to go =(

But I want to get this taken care of soon.... I hate how ma long distance isn't free until after a certain time, where businesses that I can call for info are closed. I hate this >_> Imma keep searching.

But from what I remember her dad, though he was a cop, was really cool. Laid back and stuff. Her mom was all like "Whahahaywjshdshdlcnsv1!!!" though lol. I even stayed the night at her house once, for a D-now weekend. Of course, it was all teenage guys there, and she was in another house for the same event, but I got to meet her parents. They weren't so bad =D

I'm confusing myself >_>

Phew.... I typed all of that today, over the course of like 6 hours with lots of people posting in between.... Also, if anyone knows a way to put spacing between the separate sections, please tell me and I will. It'd make it a lot more understandable =P I put a few enters after the main body, then if anybody wanted to read the rest they could continue.

You could try googleing her name. You may be able to get her phone number, but on most sites you have to pay to get a number. :blink:

[SIZE=13pt]O_O *Eyes explode* [/SIZE]

Read the whole thing. xD


Hmm....This is a very tricky situation. :x

You've pretty much tried every way of finding where she is that I can think of! >.<

Hmm...Blah...I'm not sure what other method you could use. :/


Well...Umm...Hmm...Do you have any other friends that you talk to that knows her too?

Maybe they might know something! >.<


Sorry I couldn't be of any help.

All fresh out of ideas. T.T

[SIZE=14pt] Sorry i cant help you on that one.[/SIZE]


I know how it feels though. [SIZE=8pt] [/SIZE]

i knew this person once....it's...um...........comlicated............they're....gone

[SIZE=14pt] well anyways Sorry again!!![/SIZE] :D

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