I need v4 pro help!


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Well-known member
Dec 10, 2006
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Planet Earth
ok. on my v3 when i press the c button nothing happens. but with v4 my pet starts to act all happey and stuff. Why? Its no glicth. I got it last week at wal-mart.

*tip* if you have a glow in the dark tamagotchi v4 and when you put it in the dark and it doesnt really glow much, Put it in the sun light for about one mintue. It happend today to me not on purpose. It will glow.

Can your v4 mate with the v3??? Because i dont think anyone at my school has v4. I'll find out next week.

*tip* I see most people pressing buttons when you connect your tamas and they play games. hint, The tamas play by themself.

Q. 1: That is an animation. See topic when i press... for details.

Q. 2: You get them on TamaTown.

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ok. on my v3 when i press the c button nothing happens. but with v4 my pet starts to act all happey and stuff. Why? Its no glicth. I got it last week at wal-mart.
*tip* if you have a glow in the dark tamagotchi v4 and when you put it in the dark and it doesnt really glow much, Put it in the sun light for about one mintue. It happend today to me not on purpose. It will glow.

Can your v4 mate with the v3??? Because i dont think anyone at my school has v4. I'll find out next week.

*tip* I see most people pressing buttons when you connect your tamas and they play games. hint, The tamas play by themself.
This is just a new feature that Ban-Dai added. :D Yes a v3 and a v4 can mate. I did that 2 days ago. :(

ok. on my v3 when i press the c button nothing happens. but with v4 my pet starts to act all happey and stuff. Why? Its no glicth. I got it last week at wal-mart.
*tip* if you have a glow in the dark tamagotchi v4 and when you put it in the dark and it doesnt really glow much, Put it in the sun light for about one mintue. It happend today to me not on purpose. It will glow.

Can your v4 mate with the v3??? Because i dont think anyone at my school has v4. I'll find out next week.

*tip* I see most people pressing buttons when you connect your tamas and they play games. hint, The tamas play by themself.
Well, a v3 can mate with v1, so I don't see why not. All they need to be is of the right age, right stage and opposite gender.

Well, I'm fairly sure you can mate with any version....or at least you could on the previous ones.

As for the souveneers, you have t find the codes on Tamatown.

And the animation is a new feature.

There you go, condensed answers.

Have fun!


I think they got the extra animation thing for pressing C from the Tama-Keitai. I like the idea, it's cute :)

Well, I'm fairly sure you can mate with any version....or at least you could on the previous ones.As for the souveneers, you have t find the codes on Tamatown.

And the animation is a new feature.

There you go, condensed answers.

Have fun!

Tama-Nut, you can. :furawatchi: I mated with my v3 and my v4.

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