I really dislike the American V4 designs


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I Compleatly agree... That`s why i only have ONE V4... *5 tamas but only one v4...the others were given to me* and I think that they DO make a tama look like a cheaply made,*and quicky thrown together* TOY for SIX year olds... they should at least do BASIC colors...that compliment each other....or make a wider variety of desighns....or even make *coughs* SKins *coughs* for tamagotchis...or perhaps sell only white ones and we *the consumer* can go get sharpies or something and decorate them our own darn selves!

'course they CAN hold contests where actualy tamagotchi users can desighn tamas and they can have the other consumers pick wich ones they like *instead of forcing us to pick from ones the company desighned.*

*sighs* Yup, in MY O.P. The other continents besides American has better looking tamagotchi's.


completely disagree. I have always wanted that design ever since my friend got it and I was so jealous. I'm 11 and it appeals to me.I like the designs Bandai made and I think you're totally disreaguarding what other people have to say. You're not saying "I think so" or "It's my opinion." You just say that's how it is when it is an opinion.

My brother has snakeskin and he loves it. Maybe you hate it, but don't go complaining and taking it out on us.
Do I really have to say THIS IS JUST MY OPINION for you to know that it's my opinion? Obviously it's my opinion. If I say something that doesn't mean it automatically happens.

And don't be offended because you like the colors that I don't like. I'm not offended because you like them.

Also, am I really disregarding how other people feel? Notice my comment at the end of my post where I ask what YOU think? Clearly, I want to know YOUR opinion on the matter.

Either way I did send bandai a letter asking them what they think about more simple attractive designs like what the japanese use instead of these gaudy looking sunflower skins >_>;

Also, I don't think you should be telling me whether I'm allowed to "complain" about it here or not. This is the "what's on your mind?" forum. This is on my mind, therefore I'm allowed to talk about it :]

so do i and my blue with waves well it looks nice on the front but it looks like nothing on the back but still in walmart they made 43 new designs including see through

I agree with everyone, Bandi needs to make the colors more colorful, and the buttons are like the worst color that could match! :D It's easy to bring the Japanese one's over here, why can't they.

I'll just get my dad to grab me one while he is there anyway's!


You really think I would make a difference? That sounds sarcastic but I'm serious. Because to me one e-mail from some 17 year old boy (the audience they're DEFINITELY not marketing tamagotchis for XD) wouldn't really make a difference.
But if it would then I would definitely e-mail them about it. Maybe I'll prepare something...
Of course it could! :lol: Better you than me, an 11 year old girl! ;) Just as long as you put up a good argument, you'll be fine! :)

Well I gave it a shot! I'll update you guys when I get a reply.

Do I really have to say THIS IS JUST MY OPINION for you to know that it's my opinion? Obviously it's my opinion. If I say something that doesn't mean it automatically happens.

And don't be offended because you like the colors that I don't like. I'm not offended because you like them.

Also, am I really disregarding how other people feel? Notice my comment at the end of my post where I ask what YOU think? Clearly, I want to know YOUR opinion on the matter.

Either way I did send bandai a letter asking them what they think about more simple attractive designs like what the japanese use instead of these gaudy looking sunflower skins >_>;
Alright! Sorry, I just got angry when you didn't like that design. I like a lot of them, but I like some of the other country's designs. I like the UK one--white with colorful circles.

I wonder what is with the graffiti design. The designs that I've seen for v4s here so far are:

Green w/yellow ball and buttons + TMGC Mametchi

Light blue w/white ball and buttons + TMGC at the top in white dots

White w/orange ball and buttons + TMGC in coloured bubbles all over the egg

Besides, the glow in the dark zigzag one was the winning design. However I much liked the other designs... why couldn't they have just released ALL of the designs that they had?

I do like the designs except for ones that look a little cheesy. But the commercials are bleck. They're trying not to make it girly by throwing in a few boys, but it really happens (even though a lot of Tamagotchi-owners I know are girls). The music is ugly. The way they make the kids act makes them look so spoiled.

I'm like... blabbing so much right now on TamaTalk. I'm so bored. >.<

:unsure: :( :( :D :angry: :( i love those designs ,besides your reallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy exagerating!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(
He isn't exaggerating, he is just stating his opinion. Everyone has a right to have their own opinion. :(

I do like the designs except for ones that look a little cheesy. But the commercials are bleck. They're trying not to make it girly by throwing in a few boys, but it really happens (even though a lot of Tamagotchi-owners I know are girls). The music is ugly. The way they make the kids act makes them look so spoiled.
I'm like... blabbing so much right now on TamaTalk. I'm so bored. >.<
I COMPLEATLY agree with you!

I don't get the v4 commercial. Why are the girls trying to kiss the boy? Lol!

They could make them just 1 couler or possibly make snap on skins or difrent keychains (like purple ones) but yah i never raly agree with stero tyeps they just make me shiver...........AUUUUHG

I knoooow, the American designs always look like they were drawn in five minutes for a stereotypical 9-year-old boy or girl.I wish we could just bring over the Japanese designs. Those appeal to both genders and all ages.
i agree p.s im a 9 yeer olld boy

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