I really feel like crying


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Well-known member
Jan 31, 2007
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Well if you remember my old topic about the two girls forging the vice principals signature saying that my out to lunch pass was being taken away and that I was late to class then this is what it's about. Well yesterday we had a meeting with the two girls parents. One was truely sorry while the other girl was being defencive. She got suspended from class and is now in the lower grade. Though somehow I can't let go that these girls that I thought were my friends did this to me. I was new to the school and I thought I finally found friends and that everything was going my way but now I can't stop crying. I'm so upset. I really don't know how to suck it up and go to school. My mom is also upset at me for coming home early and that's weighing down on me too. I wanna learn how to be strong but I just can't. Any advice on how to suck up all my problems and make tommrrow a new day.


Also, I think my teachers are mad at me for not being in school just because this happened.

Everything is weighing down on me. I just can't find a way out. :blink:

I'm sorry to hear that. :blink: I understand the feeling of thinking freinds are nice and then they become mean. My best freind recently did that to me.

Try not thinking about the two girls. Think of something that may help you get your mind off of it. Also tell your mom why you came home early.

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I had someone do that to me once in High School.

You know what I did?

Came into school, acting buddy-buddy still. Then, at lunch, I put my hand on the back of their head. Their face met their lunch.

I wouldn't recommend that one. I got detention for two weeks and the respect of many of my peers.

Explain to your mum and your teachers that you had to leave because of depression, they might feel sorry for you and stop being mad at you. Make new friends. If it helps, watch funny videos. (e.g. the chicken song or


The two girls are not you friends if they did that to you. Try meeting new friends, better friends. You don't deserve to be treated like that. I don't think the teachers are mad at you, I personally think that they just don't want you to be held back because of the situation. Let me tell you, to be strong you gotta know how to act strong. If you feel like you are going to cry then hold it in. Tell yourself you have better things to think of than what other people think. Ignore them, if it is hard for you then try to talk to someone. I hope your situation is better soon.

Thanks. I hope this all works out tommrrow. It gets harder and harder everyday.

It's really hard- I know.

Maybe tomarrow try to reach out to someone who looks like they don't have any or very many friends. Maybe they are sitting alone at lunch or just look down. Try to talk to them. Who knows, a few words could be the start of a beautiful friendship. ;]


Let me tell you, once I did something bad. I felt depressed even after I was ungrounded. It goes away. You will become you again. Put this behind you. It works. Trust me.

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