I really hate him.


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Well-known member
Jun 1, 2007
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Atlanta, Georgia.
Okay, this just happened, and I really need some help.

Charlie just came over and gave me a letter. Inside, it read,

'Dear Hannah,

I've had a great time with you, but something happened and I don't want to have a girlfriend. Don't take this personally, I....just want to be single. Please don't do what you what you did to Kyle to me. You can still come over sometimes, but as a friend.



I swear, I'm bawling my eyes out right now. He swore we'd stay together until middle school. By then he'd have to option to break up with me. I really want to know why, and I have a few guesses.

1. His step-father is really strict. I guess he didn't like me or something.

2. He's cheating.

3. He's planning to go out with someone else.

I really want him back but I don't know what to do.

Can someone help?

Usually guys like it to see girls cry. If you're crying because you miss him, he'll think Operation-Cry Baby, success.

Don't let this get in the way of having a happy life. If you stay happy, he'll know you're not so bad.

Well, honestly dear, that's life. Break ups happen to anyone and everyone, and you have to learn to cope with them.

There honestly isn't anything you can do. You can't MAKE somebody love you or want to be with you. They have to choose that themselves.

And as for WHY he broke up with you, there may just be the fact that he doesn't like you anymore. Sounds harsh, I know, but you don't have the same crushes forever, do you? Things change, and people move on. But I guess you'll find out eventually if it was because he likes a different girl. And if he likes someone different, there's nothing you can do about it.

At least you can still be friends though, right? And at least he was nice about it.

So, for now, just get yourself a big ol' tub of chocolate ice cream and make plans with your girlfriends. Time will heal all wounds, I'm sure of it.

Usually guys like it to see girls cry. If you're crying because you miss him, he'll think Operation-Cry Baby, success.
No they don't O_O Guys actually usually hate to see girls cry. I know this for a fact, trust me.

But if he broke up with you by letter, he may not be the best guy anyway ;/

Usually guys like it to see girls cry.
Uhm, no they dont.

I know this as a fact because I am a boy.

Anyways, if he broke up with you there's little chance of you guys getting back together. Don't always look on the negative side of things though, look on the possitive to! Now you can flirt with as many guys as you want without feeling trapped.

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Oh typical people, after a few days they throw you aside, like out-of-style clothing. >__>

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