I switched the egg Read.


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Nov 29, 2007
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Yeah thats right I switched the egg. Egg? The egg your tama game is on the egg case well I switched it. I took my V4 witch was in a yellow egg case game thing you know were the buttons are and everything and the screen and the words tamagotchi are on well I took my favorite color Black witch is a V3 and switched it I unscrewed all my screws from both eggs then took a pointy ended screw driver and took out the system first on witch was the V3 got messed up however the sound system wire discconected think it was my brother who also has a V4 and V3 he had it in his hand when I was tinkering with the Yellow but he won't admit it I'm not going to hold it to him though IDC anyway I finished it and I'm going to show you my proof it will be on youtube (not the part were I switch but were I took them and put them in the other eggs its finished already) took me about say 10-20mins I guess cuz I was cleaning the basment for around 10mins or so then I came back to it and all so look for a viedo called V4 surgery or if you want look for the username in the youtube search bar spidernin ok thanks.

for reading

P.S. I may not have the video up till say next day or so I will post it later my Cp has trouble loading video IDK why and IDC anyway see ya.

I think he switched the cases of his V3 and V4 and is putting a video of it today or tomorrow on youtube. :hitodetchi:

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