I was really beat up today o_0


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Well-known member
Oct 30, 2005
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As "I was really beat up today", I mean I got hurt alot o_0

First, I woke up with a black eye. Punched myself in my sleep, maybe? I felt no pain...

Then, At the First Recces (we have two), the bell rang. My sister ran off, i had to tell her summin, I ran and fell in the ice-grass (Its so icy here right now, we call the ground "Ice grass" because we cant see ANY grass o_0), so I slipped intoi the giant puddle! great >_>

Then, At second recess, i was playing Tag with T,M and A (My friends), and I twisted my ankle really bad. Not the kind where it hurts for a few moments, this was the kind you need a bandage wrapped around it. I still cant walk, and that happend at Lunch. its 6:00 here right now T_T.


Got hurt multiple times one day?

And PS, my ankle isent broken. I must of sprained it.

Wow. I've sprained my ankle multiple times, I know it hurts. Aggravating... Hope that gets better soon for you.

A few months ago, I was hurting... Everything. I broke my finger on the trampoline. I jammed 3 different fingers at different times at school, in PE. I dislocated my kneecap, wore a kneebrace for a while, then fell and did it again. Then I broke a toe a few weeks later.

I would go to school and be asked, "So, what hurts today?" xD

The only thing I've ever done to really hurt myself really b ad was when I was four and was fighting with my brother about that one side of the backseat where we both wanted to sit.. He was sitting in the backseat and I was standing outside of the car with the door open on the side he was sitting in yelling at him to get up. He shut the door and I threw my hand out and my finger got shut in it. I mean the door fully closed and I didn't even realize my finger was in it. I tryed to walk off and tell mom that he wouldn't let me sit there when I got jerked back, turned around and saw that my finger was shut in the door. I didn't cry, just told my mom it was stuck and she opened it for me. Then I cried. But only because I realizd my finger was turning purple.

I'm severly grossed out by popping things out of place, breaking things, and other stuff like that. I guess thats why I stay away from doing that.

One word: Ouch.

I sprained my ring finger pretty badly. It was swollen and blue. And you'll never guess how I sprained it. Going off the slip and slide.

-Paisley 520

Nope iv never had one of those days excpet the time I broke my arm by falling out of the bath Lol... But nothing really major appart from that.. Sorry about your ankle though

I've had days like that xP Quite a few actually.

The most recent wasn't so much as ongoing in one day, but here it is:

I have dogs that like to leave their biscuits all over the house. So I was walking into the kitchen, half stepped on one of them, twisting my foot to where half was on the ground and the other half was bent up. I then fell, twisting my ankle, banging my bad knee into the ground, slamming my hand into the counter and bashing my face into the oven.

It wasn't exactly graceful. In the end I sprained my hand and my foot.

I didn't stay away from work, which required a lot of walking and standing. So the sprain in my foot kept getting worse. I would have a day or two off to rest it, then go back to work and re-sprain it. I was in pain for a few weeks.

It hurts every now and then, so I'm actually wondering if I had fractured it. That was back in February.

The dumbest things I've done were breaking my fingers XD

The first time I broke my middle and ring fingers of my left hand slamming a window. I grabbed the window from the inside and didn't let go in time.

The second time, I broke my index and middle fingers on my right hand playing air hockey. I'm fierce with that game. Needless to say, I get a little too into it.

Those are my stupid injuries.

Well, I chipped a bone in my wrist when I got my new Heelys and earlier that day, I had hit my toe off a door when I was bare-footed. Someone was coming in and i was at the side of the door and they opened it. Ouch. It was sore and to make things worse, when I went home when I chipped my bone, my dad was all, "It'll be okay." And flapping it around. [My mum's cousin and her boyfriend took me out because they needed to walk and I wanted to play on my Heelys.] When we got back from the hospital, I was all, "See, dad? Told you it wouldn't be okay." He was like, "Oh." *sadly walks into a corner and cries*

It was sore, but fun.

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