I was really wondering


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Dec 16, 2007
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I have this guy friend I really like an awful lot. I was wondering what I could do to clue him in on the fact that I want to be his girlfriend. I know that every guy has different tastes so I'll give you the specs on his personality. He tries hard at sports,even though he's isn't to hot at them. ^.^ He is originally from America, but moved to Nepal when he was 6 and moved back just at the beginning of the school year. He likes to read Love Hina manga , meaning he's kinda perverted a tiny bit. o_O If you look at him, his animal personality practically screams puppy dog at you. He's 1 year older than me, but in the same grade as I am. He's sensitive about the fact that he's shorter than me. He is smart, but not a genius. I know, from being his really good friend, that he like girls that are a tiny bit hyper, and can take a joke. He's in every other class period of mine, freaky, I know. I'm already giving more that whispering hints about liking him, but He's about as clueless as guys can be. Please, I'm not in the least bit shy and am up for doing anything that is safe and not breaking any rules or the law. Don't worry about the be yourself, thing, because no matter what I do, I'm always the 'me' doing it.

Hmm...do you know if he likes you or not? There are a few ways of finding that out through his body language.

If he likes you:

1. He looks at your pencil case etc when you sit next to him in class.

2. He looks at you for more than 2 seconds.

3. He laughs at your jokes even if they're not that funny.

4. When you talk to him, his feet are pointing right at you.

If you don't find these things then what I would do is just try to be more of a friend to him. Sometimes a boy-girl friendship builds up in time. Just talk to him regularly and things like that. Don't flick your hair and bat your eyelashes and things like that lol! XD

Ps. He could be acting like he's clueless cos he's either shy or doesn't know exactly what he's supposed to do.

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Well, he does all that and more. And, we've been best friends since we first met. Like really really insanely close: have very few secrets, go on friend dates, call each other by pet names no one else can call them by kind of friends. Seriously, we're a little like brother and sister. Here's the deal: a. I really don't want to ruin my friendship with my best friend. b. he doesn't see me as a possible girlfriend and he's told me that (ouch, huh?) c. He's so insanely clueless that he wouldn't get HOW I love him even if I came out and said 'I love you!' (which I did once, he said 'Thanks, Onee-chan!' see? doesn't get it.) I was thinking of giving him a note inside his Christmas present. What do you think?

He sounds really awesome! Continue bing friends with him, please. I totally agree with the Christmas present idea! You have my support. Perhaps because you never said "EeeeEEEYyyy!!! He's my everything, I'll never leave him!!!' as stupid infatuated girls do. Good job on being his friend for such a long time. You are able to realize and accept his flaws, so this is definately no an infatuation! I hope he responds soon! Good luck!

Maybe tell him! I mean, why give hints when he could know straight out? I know it's nerve racking, and most girls don't like doing it. But it will save you trouble in the end when he knows. Also, what if he doesn't get the hints, thinks you DON'T like him, and goes with someone else? I would just say something along the lines of "I know we've been close friends, but I was wondering if you wanted to do something ____ night?" You don't have to say that, I am bad at making up lines to say x.x

To sum it up, I would just tell him instead of dropping hints.

Good luck!

Well, usually the boys make the first step on becoming a girlfriend/boyfriend thing. Same with proposal- it's awfully strange to have a woman propose a man.

Anyways, just get ask him at lunch, or during your break.

i like the christmas present idea. when i told a guy that i liked him (we still like eachother) i just gave him a note that i sereously liked him and he said that he liked me. it might not end up like that put you never know until you try. (slip a note to him and tell him to read it as soon as you leave (if your inbaresed) and see wha he does the next day)

keep me posted!

i'm a boy so you just ask him, if he is a good friend,even if he says no, you can still be friends....i guess....

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