iD L Princess Spacy Questions


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Mar 11, 2011
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Hello everyone!

I recently received an iD L Princess Spacy. It's fairly easy to understand, but I still have some questions. Thanks!

1. How do you visit the ancestors/parents/grandparents of your current tama?

2. What are the happy seal destinations in order & how many happy seals do you need for each?

3. Do rare items do anything special, besides being a really awesome toy?

4. Can you use an infrared cable for putting new rooms and items on your tamagotchi? Also, what are some downloads I could use, and would they work alright on a Mac computer?

Thanks for reading! Sorry about all the questions, I was having trouble finding info on the Princess Spacy Ver., so I figured it would be best to ask TamaTalk :3

1. Yeah, you can visit them if you've had all 4 of their seals. :) You can find it under the Foods section and TamaTomo Meal (Boys) and TamaTomo Snack (girls).

2. I'm not sure on this one, I only have the Gotchi King's Castle on this one. :c You need 1 character for this one.

3. Not much haha the Tama Profy gets half of a toddler's happy bar though.

4. Yeah, you can. c: TamaTamatchi has one up somewhere if you look in the Tamagotchi Tips and Tricks section. :)

Thanks! I just received Gotchi King's castle, too :3 Yea, it seems like the Tama Profy fills up more of the happiness bar than the regular toys. And I've been wondering forever on how to visit my old tamas.... >.>

Again, thank you! I've been searching for these answeres everywhere! :D

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