Idea for bringing tama to school


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Well-known member
Aug 17, 2004
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Just thought of a great idea. Since ur tama drops a heart about every 2 hours.Play games and feed ur tama after each class in school then u wont need to pause ur tama at all. Turn sound of also so beeping doesnt get u introuble and ur tama wont die

hope u liked my idea :)

Sorry,this would only work if ur in grade 6-8

should solve the pause problem for the peeps with the uk tamagotchis

w00t no more need for pausing!!!

please post a coment if u like or have a problem with my idea! :(

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Im going into grade eight this yer :) im brining my tama to school no matter what!

periodictly i would ask to go to the washroom every now and then to cvheck up on him lol

yeah, once i get one thats what im gonna do. 'cept in the classes where the teachers wouldn't care anyway^^

You'd miss it asking for discipline, though. I remember a while back I took it to school and I kept my sound on to hear angel beeped.....teach thought it was a cell phone. Luckily she didn't check my purse. I got in trouble and was embarassed.... :)

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Even though I'm a Freshman in High School Now, If I ever get enough money to buy one (only a few more bucks!) I might be able to leave it in my locker and check on it every few passing periods, then bring it to Lunch and maybe my homeroom.

It would have been easier last year since nearly all my classes were in the same hallway, as well as my locker so I could goto my locker between every class.

I still wouldn't risk it though. This year's starter off bad for me.

My daughter is in the 3rd grade, so I just babysit hers until I pick her up. Not that I don't think she could handle it at school with the mute button and all. But just to be on the safe side, I've been bringing it with me.


I had been thinking about asking her teacher if it was okay as long as she left it in her cubby, or even with her teacher, until snack, lunch, and (outside) play times. I hate that she doesn't get to see him at all during the day. (Pitiful, aren't I?)

i just remembered that we only get 2 minute and 1 minute breaks this year =/ i guess i'd have to bring it into class..

My daughter is in the 3rd grade, so I just babysit hers until I pick her up. Not that I don't think she could handle it at school with the mute button and all. But just to be on the safe side, I've been bringing it with me. 

I had been thinking about asking her teacher if it was okay as long as she left it in her cubby, or even with her teacher, until snack, lunch, and (outside) play times. I hate that she doesn't get to see him at all during the day. (Pitiful, aren't I?)
Well, thats cool u can take care of her tama cause my mom doesn't know how the hell u take care of it. "lol"

I have four tamagotchis so its hard to keep them all full, especially if theyre babies (which two of mine are (gen 4! yay!)) but I manage. ^__^ :rolleyes:

my mom used to have a tama unti lshe lost it t work, but she still takes care of my tamagotchi 4 me every now nd then .. . i still have to bear with the old tama )the ones's from 1998 (i mean theyr'e cool and all but i still really really want the connection one. . .)

Well, thats cool u can take care of her tama cause my mom doesn't know how the hell u take care of it. "lol"
Yeah, my mom doesn't know how to use mine at all o_o;;

I remember when I had cubbies....that's so cute!

You must be a great mom ^^

My daughter is in the 3rd grade, so I just babysit hers until I pick her up. Not that I don't think she could handle it at school with the mute button and all. But just to be on the safe side, I've been bringing it with me. 

I had been thinking about asking her teacher if it was okay as long as she left it in her cubby, or even with her teacher, until snack, lunch, and (outside) play times. I hate that she doesn't get to see him at all during the day. (Pitiful, aren't I?)
Awww, that's so sweet! Haha, if I gave my Tama to my mother, she would like, bring it to work, and play with it with all her co-workers. All of them would be like, cackling, like crazy hell.

And I fear the outcome of that escapade. o_o;;;

Yeah, my mom doesn't know how to use mine at all o_o;; I remember when I had cubbies....that's so cute!

You must be a great mom ^^
Omg. We had cubbies in kindergarten! ^^

Their smell always meant “lunchtime” to me.

I’m not all that sure why, I was like, programmed to think lunchtime when I smelled the cubbies.

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