if a tree falls in a forest


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Well-known member
Sep 13, 2006
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the topic is clear, if a tree fall and no one is there to here it, does it make a sound?


It does make a sound, just nobody hears it.

Or maybe not...hard to say. xD

If a tree falls in a forest, there's no way for it to be silent. Whether there is something there to hear it or not, it will make a sound. And plus, it's a forest, there are plenty of animals that live in the forest, why wouldn't there be anything there?

If a tree falls in a forest, there's no way for it to be silent. Whether there is something there to hear it or not, it will make a sound. And plus, it's a forest, there are plenty of animals that live in the forest, why wouldn't there be anything there?
lol u have point! :eek:

WOW! How odd out of ALL times you made this topic :eek:

I haven't been on tamatalk for a few days, and I just randomly out of nowhere thought of this question in my kitchen, and I asked my dad what he thought and he's like"yeah it does" and I'm like "Yeah- it's like saying "WOO!" in a house and no one hears it doesn't mean you DIDN'T make a sound" and I went on tama talk right after that and i saw this topic :mellow:


And yes it does

WOW! How odd out of ALL times you made this topic :eek:
I haven't been on tamatalk for a few days, and I just randomly out of nowhere thought of this question in my kitchen, and I asked my dad what he thought and he's like"yeah it does" and I'm like "Yeah- it's like saying "WOO!" in a house and no one hears it doesn't mean you DIDN'T make a sound" and I went on tama talk right after that and i saw this topic :mellow:


And yes it does
lol! i just posted this topic cuz i saw that car comurcail were they say that :mellow:

The real answer is no.

It has been said that a sound is a sound only if someone is there to hear it. My mom said it was predicted by sientests(sp).

A sound is a sound, no matter if someone is there to hear it or not.


This question always makes me think.

Well, it's not like the tree is the only thing in this forrest. There are probably deer, rabbits, squirrels, etc. who hear it as well.

So I think yes, it does make a sound.

The real answer is no.
It has been said that a sound is a sound only if someone is there to hear it. My mom said it was predicted by sientests(sp).
That's not true!!!!!!!!!! if a tree falls and everyone is far away and doesn't hear it, the tree still makes a sound. Even if no one is there to hear it its still a sound! It's that obvious.

DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not to sound rude or anything, but OF COURSE!!!!!!!!
:/ No room for rudeness in this topic. You could've just said "Yes it does." but instead you spaz out. How nice. It's a question a bunch of people ask. My teacher used to ask me all the time just to see my spazzing out to find the answer.

I think it might. I used to tell my teacher, "Well why don't you put a tape recorder on every tree just to see if it makes a sound when it falls and no one is there!"

DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not to sound rude or anything, but OF COURSE!!!!!!!!
but REALLY think about it, if there was a tree that falls and NO ONE ( i no probubly there would be squirls'n'stuff but its a figure of speech, it could be anything , not JUST a tree) was there to hear it.... would there still be sound?

P.S i looked it up and scientists have concluded that a sound is not a sound unless it is heard

but REALLY think about it, if there was a tree that falls and NO ONE ( i no probubly there would be squirls'n'stuff but its a figure of speech, it could be anything , not JUST a tree) was there to hear it.... would there still be sound?
P.S i looked it up and scientists have concluded that a sound is not a sound unless it is heard
It realy dosent matter if noones there to hear it it still makes a sound :/

There dosent have to be a human to hear it

:/ No room for rudeness in this topic. You could've just said "Yes it does." but instead you spaz out. How nice. It's a question a bunch of people ask. My teacher used to ask me all the time just to see my spazzing out to find the answer. I think it might. I used to tell my teacher, "Well why don't you put a tape recorder on every tree just to see if it makes a sound when it falls and no one is there!"
lol!!! thats a good com-back (my teacher does that too)im gona tel my teacher that the next time she askes me that.

:/ No room for rudeness in this topic. You could've just said "Yes it does." but instead you spaz out. How nice. It's a question a bunch of people ask. My teacher used to ask me all the time just to see my spazzing out to find the answer. I think it might. I used to tell my teacher, "Well why don't you put a tape recorder on every tree just to see if it makes a sound when it falls and no one is there!"
Thats awsomeness


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