If I made a new Tamagotchi.


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Apr 12, 2013
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The shell would be the size of an older generation Tama, and would be a matte green. The characters would be bug-like similar to the ones on the Morino (garden) Tamagotchi, but would have a lot more characters. Maybe 50. Why, you ask? Because with the seasonal changes in the year, the bug availability/chance changes with it. In the summer, one could expect to find something that looks like a cicada.

As well as seasons, there would also be weather. Certain conditions would challenge the Tama's survival as the praise/time out button could be replaced with "take cover".

Some characters will be nocturnal. Moths, crickets, and fireflies. The night on the tamagotchi comes around noon (our time) and the tamagotchi isn't as active until then. Of course, things will still happen before noon, like weather effects, eating food, and training. The firefly is a special character that when it turns 9PM (our time) the antennae of the shell glows green/yellow on and off in a realistic manner for a few minutes. At this time, the tamagotchi can be seen on the screen in the distance, flying around. This is the equivalent to a sleeping tama and it can't be disturbed until you wake up.

The tamagotchi have multiple versions of each character. Other than male and female tamas, they can have a slight change to their appearance and mood. Rare breed tamagotchi can be found if enough time is put in to the game. (think shiny pokemon)

The lifespan of the characters will have the chance to be a lot longer than other tamagotchi games. As time is in days and not years due to seasonal changes, this means they will live longer... if they aren't killed. If they survive the whole season, they will stay around as an NPC that your new character can visit.

Missions. That's right. Here's the scenario: It's fall season and there is an icon flashing at the bottom of the screen. You check it and it says that there is a frost coming in 3 days. That gives you enough time to collect food and find shelter, migrate, or adapt. Collecting food or migrating could easily be special games that are played just on these occasions. Adaptations are bought from stores. These will give your character a one time use item of things like frost resistance, heat resistance, speed (from flyswatters), etc.

Happiness can be achieved by eating something or playing games, as always. There's also one more way to make your tama happy. There will be a little solar sensor on the top of the tamagotchi shell and will increase happiness as long as you are outside. (think boktai)

Headphone jack and rechargeable battery.

TLDR: Bug tamagotchi. Lots of characters based on seasons. Weather. Nocturnal characters. (maybe) Longer lifespan. Surviving tamagotchi continue to be in the game as NPCs. Missions completed by doing games or buying an item. Solar sensor for happiness increase. Headphone jack and rechargeable battery. Big risks, big rewards.

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I love your ideas :) . But there is simply no way you would fit all those features into the size of a connexion/vintage Tama, and it would be difficult even with a Tama Go or the like.

I figured if they can fit entire Pokemon games on a tiny nds cartridge, the tamagotchi system could be built similarly to that. This would probably make the battery drain greater, but that's why I'd want rechargeable batteries. It is a long shot though. The complexity of the device at its size would probably make it fairly expensive. I can dream though. ;)

I figured if they can fit entire Pokemon games on a tiny nds cartridge, the tamagotchi system could be built similarly to that. This would probably make the battery drain greater, but that's why I'd want rechargeable batteries. It is a long shot though. The complexity of the device at its size would probably make it fairly expensive. I can dream though. ;)
NDS cartridges simply feature a ROM, the NDS system itself reads the ROM. A Tamagotchi is a standalone system and would need a tiny computer with a rom, and all of the other gadgets you listed.

I'm pretty sure there is a ROM loaded on the tamagotchi processor. I think I saw somewhere that it is a 320-640 kbite (masked) MROM depending on the model of the tamagotchi. All one would have to do is make the processor and ROM size a little bigger (it's a few mm wide as it is) to put in hundreds more characters. I may be wrong though.

They could probably pull it off if they made it the size of a smart phone. If a small Smart Phone can handle games, internet browsing and various Apps then you could probably fit a tamagotchi like that on something that size easily. The biggest problem may be cost though.

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