If i reset it will the tod get deleted along with


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if u reset it it will give u an option if u press button b to resume with the tama u had b4 or get a new one and if u choose get a new one then u will ose your tama and baby and all your accomplishments, items, etc.

haha. its funny when you said you want a boy because youre a guy.

im not laughing at you, okay? so hope you dont get mad.

i just wanted to ask you how if you get a girl in the next generation?

youre gonna reset it again? then you wont get more than 3 generation if you did that.

hmm..anyway, you need less than an hour for the baby to changed into a toddler.

and i think you can login to the tamatown as a baby as long as you have the login password :)

i never login the tamatown as a baby, so im just giving an opinion.

well im not going to reset any more i reseted again after said i got a boy

i have the green tamatodler with the mohawk

how long un till teenager stage and adult

Don't reset - you will lose all your history, generations (if you have any), etc. I suggest that you just poke a pencil in the button and hold the B button.

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