If Stealing...


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Well-known member
Mar 9, 2007
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If stealing wasn't immoral or illegal, would you do it?

I really want real responses for this, btw, not just "idk.". ;3

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I don't know if I would do it. If it wasn't immoral or illegal, would it have been pounded into my head a thousand times not to do it? Would I be unaware of the difference?

But, if stealing wasn't immoral or illegal, what about money? Would it actually be around? I mean, it really wouldn't be effective if nobody knew what was stealing or not, eh?

So I guess I might do it, if only because I would have no differenciation.

Just so everyone's aware - this post is 100% serious even if it doesn't come across like it is.

I'm not exactly sure. Maybe I'd steal from a few stores, anime convention, and a few pairs of boxers from the PATD members, but I woudn't steal from anyone's home (after I would steal the boxers).

I don't think money would have much of a value anymore. Maybe it would to those who wouldn't steal, but then they could just steal more money if they had to

Am I making any sense?

yea.... I might a little. I'd feel too guilty. I'd just stick with what my parents gave me. And do something horrible to who ever steals from me.

I think that the only way stealing would not exist, is if money did not exist.

And the only way money would not exist is if human greed did not exist.

And if man's greed did not exist, the world would be perfect.

And if the world were perfect I could dance down the sidewalk in a drunken fashion imitating Gerard Way singing Under Pressure without getting odd stares.

Which, of course, I cannot.

[SIZE=7pt]I think I probably would .[/SIZE]

If it wasn't illegal or immoral, who wouldn't ?

I'd steal things from tokio hotel [ : but actually probably just candy or from pet stores. .

But theres no point, because money would have no value, because everyone would get things for free .

Of course I would o_o

I steal now, even if it's just little things.

And if stealing was legal, oh yes.

I would steal.

If stealing wasn't immoral ... it would be moral

If stealing wasn't illegal ... it would be legal

I mostly do things that are moral and legal in my life already ... so yes, I would steal - same as I would listen to music, read books, go out with friends... etc.

I think money would still be around too. Because not everything would be stolen, you might want to keep some things for yourself ;)

We might still make things that we used and would swap / barter stuff and eventually come up with a monetary value sytem.

I'd steal.

If it wasn't illegal or immoral, whats stopping anyone from doing it?

Well, seeing as I wouldn't see it as wrong and seeing as nothing would stop me, I suppose I would.

I mean, you can't try not to...because that's just saying it is immoral to steal. And this question is saying that it is moral to steal.

So I guess when you sort of think about it, everyone would steal.

....but then what would we need money for? And how would things operate? For example, lets say there's a factory making TVs. Everybody steals the TVs. The workers, if they got money, wouldn't need it, so maybe they just wouldn't be paid. So what's their incentive for making stuff?

If you don't get any benefits-no money, nothing you can use-why would you work?

So wouldn't things eventually run out? I'm sorry if I confused anybody, that's just my logic.

....but then what would we need money for? And how would things operate? For example, lets say there's a factory making TVs. Everybody steals the TVs. The workers, if they got money, wouldn't need it, so maybe they just wouldn't be paid. So what's their incentive for making stuff?

If you don't get any benefits-no money, nothing you can use-why would you work?

So wouldn't things eventually run out? I'm sorry if I confused anybody, that's just my logic.
No, Diva, that's the Insane Genious Suicidal Hospital Patient Dictator That Acts Like Peoples' Mom's logic.

I have taught you well.

That's what I tried to say.

But, as you know, I'm not good with words.

And I had to throw in my extras.

If stealing wasn't immoral ... it would be moralIf stealing wasn't illegal ... it would be legal

I mostly do things that are moral and legal in my life already ... so yes, I would steal - same as I would listen to music, read books, go out with friends... etc.

I think money would still be around too. Because not everything would be stolen, you might want to keep some things for yourself :furawatchi:

We might still make things that we used and would swap / barter stuff and eventually come up with a monetary value sytem.

If it wasn't immoral than I would feel no different than any other moral thing.

lynn- Save some boxers for meh!! DD:

Mr. Brightside- Hah. I wish I lived in a musical. And I love that song<33

TamaMum- Yes, I agree. If stealing was the opposite of illegal and immoral, it would be moral and legal. Which would make it politically correct and it would no longer be looked down upon.

Pink Craze- Yes, I see your logic. It makes sense. ;)

So yeah. If stealing were moral and legal, heck I would steal! I don't know if I'd break into peoples houses, but I'd steal.

The the world would be in complete and total choas. Other countries would steal our nuclear bombs, and bam. We'd blow up, and die.

So I guess these kinds of things, like not to lie and not to steal, are for our own good. So I'm basically agreeing with what everyone else said. -nod-

If it weren't illegal, nor immoral...

I guess.

Maybe instruments from instrument stores? Joy.

But since it's legal and moral, I won't do it in real life. Even if I ever live nearby a music center. Stealing is wrong, and it's somewhat childish! You can get money for the things you want, Stealing is NOT the answer to anything...No matter how badly you want it.

Even if Music & Arts were having a sale on Alto Flutes and Tubas. Still. It's NOT right.

Obviously. If no one thought it was wrong, it wouldn't be. If it wasn't illegal, it wouldn't be.

Yeah. Everyone would steal. If you don't have a problem with something, which in this situation you wouldn't, you'd do it, wouldn't you?

If no one disliked Pepsi, all people'd most likely drink it at some time, right?

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