If u could be a tamagotchi...


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Let me see.

This is the way I see myself: I'm sensitive and get panicky over every little thing that goes wrong. I dislike company and prefer to be alone. I am intelligent and prefer not to be in the center of attention. Sometimes when I see something that shouldn't be happening between two people I try to intervene, only to come out upset in the end.

Looking at the v2, v3, v4 and v4.5 growth charts I've got now I'm going to try and get see what Tamagotchi has the personality closest to mine. Right now I won't worry about gender and all that stuff.

Sensitive: Memetchi, Nikatchi


Prefers solitude:

Doesn't like too much attention/shy: Masukutchi

Intelligent: Mametchi, Mimitchi, Yangu Mimitchi, Tensaitchi, Ojotchi

Other characters with things that make them kinda similar: Marutchi (loves to roll), Ichigotchi (loves to dance), Harutchi (loves to dance), Puchitchi (overly pessimistic), Yangu Robotchi (loves working on mechanical stuff), Ringotchi (sees things only in black and white), Yangu Dorotchi (afraid of the dark), Furawatchi (always skipping), Hanatchi (catching a lot of colds), Purimatchi (loves ballet)

Hmm, now it's really a matter of choice... I'd say I like Memetchi.

Yeah that was a long one... but I just like a character to match my personality as best as possible.

hmm... Don't forget: Tosakatchi is verry intelegent. And if you're mystreious, he is that too! And he is verry shy! And he sings beautifuly!

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I'm clumsy and shy... and I like super awesome and super pretty things. I'm not entirely sure what that makes me but I figure and cross between Kuchipatchi and Violetchi? Maybe. Well, I'm not popular either :)

I'd want to be Gozarutchi, though >.>; Because he's cool. And stealthy.

I'd probably be a mix between Mametchi(mostly him) and kutchipatchi. And BTW, Torakotchi is actually bouncy, mischievous and energetic(he's not smart at all)
tosakatchi is smart!why do you think that you need lots of intelligence points to get him?

Yeah! Tosakatchi's intelegent points from a scale from 1 to 10 is in between 6 and 10! And mimitchi's is in between 3 and 8! Trust me, I've had tosakatchi as my first male tamagotchi, and i have had him more than once!

BTW: Ninana, tosakatchi is a really shy tamagotchi, and is clumsy! But you might not be as shy as him; he hids his talents from others!

I would love too be a violetchi :p

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