if u had 5 mill pound what would u spend it on?


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Active member
Apr 26, 2009
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If i had 5 millon pounds i would spend it on a new house for the family and a laptop and a chocolet fountine!!!!

what would yooou buy with it???!! think of as many things as poss and send them to meeeee!!!!


If I had a million dollars (Don't know about 5 million pounds, I'm from America, lawl) I would buy my grandmother a beach house in North Carolina. (I would inherit it, but she would enjoy it the rest of her life. :3) (A beach house costs one million dollars. O: )

If I had TWO million dollars, I would spend the first million on a beach house for my grandmother. With the second million, I would buy myself a car, pay for my Japanese trip senior year, buy myself a 32gb iTouch, go on a shopping spree ($1,000...?), buy my mom a new car, and put the rest away. I would make a ton of interest, and it would pay for my college education. :3 And I would look into investing, as well.

Pound? I think I have to convert it! 8D


OH MY FREAKING GOD! That's a lot! Erm, I would buy an iPhone, a small mansion, a sports car, and a trip around the world 8DDD [Maybe not though. Just around America/Europe], And I will give some to charity, and keep some for later. Give to my dad some. To my mom some. [Not to my sister XD]

I would give it all to charity!!!!!!! *innocent smile*

Okay, okay....I would buy a mac laptop.....a camera, and a new phone....and then do something with the rest....maybe buy a house that all my TT friends could live in!

Okay, first, iPhone.

Second, Bench sweaters and coats

Third, Birkenstock sandals, <3

Fourth, a car for my bf

Fifth, a car for my family.

Sixth, my own house

Rest, shopping.

If I had two million dollars, I'd get my mom out of debt, then smack her with a sum of it, pay off my car, pay off my schooling, and get us into a house.

Depends on how old I am. If I'm around my age now, I'd probably invest about 1/4 for when I'm older, I'd buy some clothes, donate to cancer research and charity, get some cool stuff for my bike and just keep the rest for whatever.

If I'm an adult and have kids, I would still donate some to research and charity, I would buy a nice house on a lake, a boat and outdoor/water playground equipment for them. A new car, and clothes for myself, and a massage chair. ^.^

omg, i know this might sound crazy but..


Chocolate chocolate chocolate

umm clothes and then society (such as health , neighborhood , etc. );D

I thought they stopped using pounds. It's Euros, now, right?

I thought "pounds" meant weight at first, so I was like "If I had a Blue whale...

I thought they stopped using pounds. It's Euros, now, right?
NONONO. Pounds is the British currency. <3

If I had a million pounds I'd get an iPhone, a laptop, a camera, a whole bunch of clothes and converse, a total room decoration, gifts for friends and family, and visit Starbucks twice each day. That would be heaven.

^ Yes. I think that England and a few other countries in Europe have their own country's currency, and the rest just use the Euro.. right?

sorry, that was... sorta, off-topic.

I wouuuuuuuld...

Build a shoppy thingo for Kyle to sell food ^-^ ZOMG LIKE CENTRAL PERK O: <3

Give Mum like, $500 000 so she could do whatever she wanted with it.

Fly Gran and Poppy to Paris <3

Then either give the rest to charity oooooooor savesavesave : D

~Tickets to Edmonton, Adelaide, Massechusetts [sp?, lol] , Austin, and Malinda-ville. X3

~A phone

~A laptop

~A house even though I am 11

~And also a house near Mikey's

~I'd pay off mummeh + daddeh + the 2 sisseh's house

~A DSi

~A treadmill XD

~New converse

~A ticket to Short Stack

~A new camera

~A bodyguard

&& A TMGC+C.

Edit: I shall also pay Mikey's parents rent so I can live with them, if I was allowed :3

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-Visit all my TT friends.

-Give some to mummy, my brother, and my grandparents.

-Give some to my friendies.

-Go to Budgewoi.

-Possibly buy a bigger house for my family.






-Loads of iPod credit.

-Go to Russia, to see all my family<3.


Yeahhhh. I'd like alot of things.


Visit all my TT friends

Visit my friends where I used to live

Take my family and all my friends including TT ones unless they're stalkers on a big holiday

Go on giant shopping spree

Buy a car in advance for when I'm older

Buy a house in advance for when I'm older

Donate £1.5m to charities so I don't feel like a greedy pig

Set up a rescue center for unwanted animals because I'm an animal freak

If I have ANY left, it'll go towards the animal rescue center.

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