if u had three wishes


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That I had more patience.That I had a bigger nose...seriously...I love noses.

That I could talk to people normally without being embarrassed.
lol YOU want a bgger nose and EYE want a smaller nose! mines huge and ugly

I wish to....

Start on pointe this year D:<

Be more gorgeous > ;)

To stop any abuse and and animal cruelty :nazotchi:

1. for the wish fairy [that happened to be daniel radcliffe] to visit me routinely every day. and not stop.

and, for a few wishes....

1. [well, technically two, whatever] that i was the seventh charactor in the maximum ride series! sweetness...

2. that i had a WAND like on harry potter

3. that the harry potter cast was my homiez

4. to meet anyone i want to. when i want to. even if they do live a million miles away

5. teleportation!

6. wings.... yesh

and plenty more.

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1. i had a boy friend that really cared,liked me, not a jurk/liar/a**h***

2.that my friends and me would be friend 4 ever and keep in touch cause i couldn't emagin life with out them/if a friend was true or not so if there not i don't have to bother with them.

3.i would wish 4 not more vilance/bad drugs/weppends/rapes/ciminals/homeless people/No MORE WAR.I basicly want peace on earth

1. To have better friends.

2. To have straight hair.

3. To have a cell phone.


That would make my life so much easier.

1. Fine a cure for cancer. I don't want money.

2. Stop wars. Stop animal/child abuse.

3. Everyone had a good life with everything they needed(some people don't have enough money to afford stuff)

1. That Miley Cyrus was my friend♥

2. that the jonas brothers were my freinds♥

3. $5 billion dollars. for charity of coarse!♥

lol... maybe i'd trade one for endless wishes!! ;)

1. I wish I could be with my boyfriend forever

2. I wish all my deceased family members could be here with me

3. I wish all the drama and fighting between everyone could just stop

To be able to cast spells

To be married to m bf

That all animal cruelty would stop and that none would have to be put down or have illnesses

1. No war, no world hunger, no segregation.... everyone got along, with a small argument here and there.

2. A cure for cancer and HIV.

3. For all to live a wonderful life.

But thats impossible. :mellow:

1. Have my love to love me back

2. To be with my friends forever and never have another fight with them

3. Unlimited wishes

4. Animal abuse to JUST STOP ALREADY

5. For my family to live happly ever after

6. To be able to stay skinny forever no mater what i eat

7. To never be sick again

8. Be a genious

9. Have perfect vision

10. Be fluent in Greek

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