If u Knew u Were Gonna Die in 1hour....


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Well-known member
Apr 30, 2006
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wat would u do if u were going to die in 1hour

It is not a lot of time but it may be enough to tell someone u love them or repent ur sins

post wat u would do....

.... Wat if u were dying becuz u were sick or u were being chased ... being hunted by sharks... stuck in the atlantic ocean...

Wat would u do in the passing hour

i would learn to talk normal in amarica because well im british

Well, i would Spend as much time as i Could With my Neice. :D And when the hour's up, poof. i'd be dead.

I would live it like its nothing special, Live then die. Play tamatalk, eat, die, never know I was any use to anyone. Oh Joy

I'd probably tell my family and friends, write a quick will, then live it out like it was nothing special and wait for my death...

Post on TT of course! xD

Just kidding. I don't know what I'd do.

well i wouldnt be thinking about that right now..lol..but if it did happen thani would hug all my friends and family, call them all to my house..write my will...give hugs and kisses good bye..probaly cry a little..and you know what....(i dont like to say the d....i......e word)


I would tell my crush that I love him, and kiss him. Then I would be with him for a half an hour, then spend the rest of the time with my family and kitty. I'd hug them, kiss them, and tell them to move on when I'm gone.

I would sit and ponder over the good moments of my life and let death come to me. It's my time, why fight it?

I'd write a note to my family, and this may sound weird, but the very, very last thing I'd like to do, is read a book.

So that my mind wouldn't be calm and indulged in literature while my death slowly comes to me. I don't want hyperventilating the last thing I'd be doing in my life.

I don't really know. I'd probably tell my parents it's okay to sell my things to pay for my funeral or something.

Have the party of a life time and like 2 secons before i die kiss my crush :D

I'd tell everyone I'd ever hurt I'm sorry.

I would tell everyone the grudges I've kept and the wrongful opinions I've held.

I'd tell people the secrets I've kept from them out of shyness and shame.

I'd spend my money on either something I wanted or something useful for my family.

I'd call all my friends and tell them goodbye.

And then I'd lay down on my bed and watch some television or listen to my favorite songs before death reared it's ugly head.

i would do everything i could to tell everyone i am sorry

then probably end my life... jk

I would repent for my many sins cuz i noe wat i did wrong!!!!!!!

If I was Sick: I think I tell my family that I love them and that after I'm gone to remember me not with sadness but of me in life, of good times we shared together and that I am not truely dead if I live on in their hearts. I'd finally let go of alot of grudges I've held against people who have hurt me in my past. I'd then take a few sleeping pills and go to sleep in my bed so that I can die peacfully in my sleep.

If i were stuck in the altantic ocean: I'd try and get some turtles or something to bring me to shore in my fit of insanity. xD

I'd tell all my family how much I loved them, and I'd really miss them. I'd then just reflect on the happenings of my life- then I'd just wait.

I would tell my crush i like him and kiss him and then spend all my money on donating to the poor ^_^

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