If U were an Animal What Would U Be?Y?


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A penguin. Because penguins rock. PENGUIN.
I think I would be a cat Because I love my KITTY!!!! Or a hamster It does not matter. :D

I'd be a cat. Why? I love sleeping and being pampered with extra attention just for being cute. And - cats don't have to go to school! Whenever I come home from school and get on the computer, my beloved kitty, Tiger, is curled up right next to it. Of course, I always wake him up.

I'd LOVE to get 18 hours of sleep...

Heh Heh, If I could be a fictional animal, I would be a genetically altered, super smart, fire breathing dragon with laser vision. :chohimetchi: (oh yeah, I'm weird ;) ) If you mean a REAL animal, I'd probablly be a dog too.

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