If you could change one thing, what would it be?


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What else... hmm... I wish I wasn't such a ... witch [xp] in 6th and 7th grade. I wasn't a "bad kid" and people liked me but I could get nasty and was uber immature. >...<

At least we learn from these things.

I'd stop a bully who started dissing Mario, and eventually, when I go back to the present, I wouldn't get bashed up anymore.

I would change moving schools in third grade. I would have been so much happier than I am now.

I would go back to fifth grade, and pick my friends more carefully.

I would go to seventh grade, and try out for the school play.

I would go to the beginning of 8th grade, and buy different shoes, work on science fair much earlier, and go back to this morning and mail that stupid letter!!!!

Well, I would never change something physically about myself. :eek: I'd probably go into the past and..err..

Well, in 5th grade I had this Math Test, and you were supposed to study. At 9:00 PM I realized that, (The most convenient time, too.) and forgot my math book at school. I wasn't that prepared, and I only got like 16/25 right. I got marked down on my report card for that. That was the only time I got a bad grade.

I didn't join band early so I really regret that. Now I'm joinging in March... :-(

I would change that my friend's cat was still alive. He was blind and died old of age, and she's really torn up.

Or I would cange I didnt get such a mean grade 3 teacher...I would still be getting atleast a B+ in everything still if it wasent for her ):

If I could chgane one thing it would be...

Telling 2 boys that Iliek this guy. It's torture now. D=

...Well, I wouldn't change one thing of my life.

But I wish I could change my boyfriends life. V_V"

If I could, I wish I could get his parents to become better role models for him, and actually tell him they love him. ):~

V_V" He ran away from home today. ~): T_T"...

Oh poo...

I would change the fact that when I was four or five I wanted to be a bat when I grew up (and the fact that I wore that costume everywhere). I think when I was six I wanted to be a ghost. I would change the fact that I just sat there and drew on my homework all day in 3rd through fifth grade, and I always had to sit out at recess because I never did my homework. I think that pretty much marked me for having like 2 friends for the rest of my life, because now I only hang out with the kids who were nice to me in elementary school. I also wish that my parents love me. They dont love me much, really.

I have a new thing to add to the list of things I would change if I could....

I would have brushed and flossed my teeth like my mom always told me to when I was growing up. Now, as an adult, I rarely brush my teeth since I never got into the habit of it when I was younger. Let me tell you, THANK HEAVENS for insurance! I think I have probably wracked up about 30k in dental bills just getting my teeth done this time. I had 13 cavities and one they almost (and might still have to) had to do a root canal on because it was so bad. It hurts when they do the needles (at least to me it does, but I am a big baby) and when you have VERY sensitive teeth like me (also from not taking care of my teeth properly) it hurts when they drill (they use a water drill and it has COLD friggin water, hence the pain).

Anyways, so when you get told to brush your teeth....DO IT! It is SOOOO not worth the pain, discomfort, time, and money to have to deal with it when you are older and your teeth are like...rotting out of your mouth.

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