If you could go back in time!


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Well-known member
Dec 16, 2007
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If you could go back in time where would you go and what time period would it be? what would you do there? tell me.

I would go back to 1999 When I started kindergarden because I miss the naps and my teacher was awsome.

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If I could go back in time, I wouldn't. I think people today need to learn that not all things in life are perfect, and you just have to deal with them and not make a big deal about it. Never look back on your past and you will have a better future. :)



I would go back and stop myself from wasting money >.<

Also back a few days' ago so I could have told this boy "Merry Christmas" I had the perfect oppertunity

I would either go back to 5th grade, because that has been the best school year of my life so far. I had awesome teachers and I was with my friends. And I still had recess. Sweet recess. xD

But, I'd have to say my first choice would be... Tablerock Lake, Missouri, or Grand Lake, Oklahoma, because both times I went with my best friend, and I love the lake. Especially Gobbler's Mountain, because I was there with my family, my best friend, my uncle, aunt and cousins, and my grandparents. :]

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I would go back to the Victorian era.

Just to wear a top hat and waistcoat.



No, seriously.

Err...if you mean in /my/ past, I wouldn't.

If you could go back in time where would you go and what time period would it be? what would you do there? tell me.
I would go back to when this post was made and figure out what I was doing .. It was my birthday and I don't remember what was going on.

I wouldn't go back.

Currently is better than any stage of my life.

I'm honestly happier than ever.

If I could do one thing, I'd go back to before the earthquake where the city isn't screwed and but have everything else the same.

If I could go back, I would want to change some things from happening. Like when I made bad mistakes by saying something, or whatever. But I think those things happened for a reason. God made those things happen to teach me a lesson, I think.

I would go back to the date March 20,2011 and from that date I will correct all my mistakes.

I'd just go back and buy up the old FurReal dogs I needed to complete my collection. I missed a lot of good ones. Yup the only thing I'd do with a time machine is to raid Toys R Us in different periods to buy discontinued robot dogs.

I would go back to primary school, make my amazing double cookies and then people would like me and I would have had friends. Cookies = friends.

I just thought of another thing I'd do. I'd go back and stop myself from selling all my Poo-Chis, Teknos, I-Cybies and other robot dogs. The more I think of them the more I miss them. Also I'd snag an original Giga Pets digital doggie because I've wanted to raise one ever since I first heard of them. I'd pretty much use a time machine to stock up on all the electronic dogs I lost and those I wanted but never got. None of that changing history stuff for me.

That's a hard one...

I'd probably go back in time to stop my past self from selling all of my Pokemon games and I know this sounds mean, but I would also go back in time to stop myself from giving Pokemon Emerald to my younger friend at the time, he lost it!

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