If you could have one thing...


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Well-known member
Mar 15, 2009
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Kind of like 'If you could have one wish, what would it be?', but if you could have anything in the world, what would it be?

I'm doing homework right now, so I can't really think, or else I'll forgot what my homework was.

I'd generally say a million wishes, but it seems Katie got there first. O: xD

As for it being anything in the world, I'd probably ask for something beyond materialism. Such as, true love at some point in my life. Or a truly loyal and amazing best friend.

Then again, I'd also love an iPhone, or a bunch of new clothes/music.

A gazillion wishes too, but Katie and Esther both got here first.

I don't want any material goods. I suppose it would be a trip around the world... to meet all of you guys, and to see all my amazing family in Russia again. That would be the dream of a lifetime.

If it had to be material, than I'd probably want a big house, where I can keep a beagle as a pet. Cuz they're my favourite breed of doggies, and I desperately want one. Too bad my house doesn't allow dogs.

I'd have one wish: happiness.

But, if all I had was happiness, then life would be boring.

But, if life was boring, then it wouldn't be happy.

So, I'm just contradicting myself.

I wouldn't wish for anything.

Well, I'd wish to find out what job I'd be best at.

>;l I'd have to say money... And a lot of it. :D

Cause theres really no point in getting some random product or item. D:

Cause like...Eventually it'll lose it's value and something better will come along. o:

At least if I get money...I can visit my boyfriend! And always get the latest stuff. :3

The power to do anything ! But if that doesn't count, rubber hands a personal ball that I can roll around in (like hamsters) a mall, or Coca Cola.

But if I owned Coca Cola I suppose I could gte any of these things..



There are a lot of things I want :/

This question... it's so hard on me ;_;

Lots of wishes. XD

I would wish I was prettier.

And for someone to go out with me for once x3

To be honest, I'd want to live for a long long time, not forever, but a long time. Why? Well, I want to see what earth comes to in the future, how everything transforms and develops.

I would want no wishes, because then I would go demented thinking of all the things that I would want to get.

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