If you could know how and when you'd die


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Well-known member
Feb 9, 2009
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-shifty eyes- under your bed
Okay, I was looking at an olf nontt topic and someone mentioned that question. So, would you?

I think I would, because if it was really soon, I'd make the most of my time.



I'ma take life as it comes, and not plan out my days until the end. You'd constantly have this countdown until death, and I couldn't deal with that.

Nahh, because if you told me, I wouldnt have any fun, because I'd be too worried about my death. Or if you told me I had like a week left to live, I'd probably do that thing they did in the last holiday.

Ummm...I think yes. If I knew right now, then I would be aware of it as my life goes on and maybe live a little longer. :D


Because if I knew, than life would just be a big countdown. I'd be scared as the days came closer and closer, and at the moment, I know I'll die, but I'm actually living life instead of worrying about death.

I'd like to know how but not when. It'd probably fall off something or get hit by a car. I'm actually a danger to myself when I cross a road... Anyway....

I live everyday like it's my last because that's the way I am. Being able to count the days would just make my life worse.

Hmmm.... Yeah. My life's not really exciting, so I think it'd be nice to know when I'm going to die. Maybe even how, but I'm not quite sure. Y'know. To spice things up a bit. Not like I WANT to die or anything. It would just make my life more like some kind of fantasy show / SciFi movie kinda thing. Kinda dramatic.. mysterious... end-of-the-world feeling... *has a head that's been lost in the fantasy world since forever*

Yeah... I would just say no and come up with some mysterious and meaningful set of sentences, but I don't really feel up to the challenge right now. Call me crazy, right?

Nope. Surprises are the best.

I would want to live life to the fullest always and never know whn I'm going to die.

Now I know why old people on their death bed are so unhappy: they know that they're going to die soon!

If I was told I had say, a month to live because of irreversible cancer I'd spend a week fulfilling my life then I would jump off a bridge after making my last good-byes and such. Leaving ends tied. I would not let something kill me. It's actually my dream to jump off the Waimakiriri River bridge.

No! 'Cause everyday I would be too busy thinking about it and I'd be really worried. Also, I wouldn''t have any fun

That's a tough question.

I might like to know how so that I might possibly be able to stop said death from happening. But when? If I knew when I may start thinking about how I could live a fuller and better life; at the same time I might be to worried about when to even think about how I would live life better.

However if the opportunity to know came up, I probably wouldn't say no.

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