if you dont like the design on your tama


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Nov 3, 2007
Reaction score
if you dont like the design on ur tama u can just scrape it off! i hav a v4 and it was pink see through with weird white wings everywhere and a small alien thing infront of a yellow block of something at the top. i just scraped it off and now its just pink see through and it looks awesome!

Do you mean scrape off the paint??Wont that mess it up?
how will scraping off the paint mess it up?? seriously its just a plastic cover, as long as you done scrape the screen its all good, i do that sorta crap all the time. sand down the outside and paint it carefully with acrylics then coat it with polycrylic protective finish.

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how will scraping off the paint mess it up?? seriously its just a plastic cover, as long as you done scrape the screen its all good, i do that sorta crap all the time. sand down the outside and paint it carefully with acrylics then coat it with polycrylic protective finish.
Oooh.. sorry dumb question XP

ah! if i painted my tama i would get paint all over the screen! and uh sand paper :furawatchi:
thats where you take your tama apart and paint it... this way the screen stays clear and you have a fresh new tama. I've done this alot.

Well that kinda happened to me i had a white v4, and i was holding it tightly and my sweat made the spots blurry! I used my nail to get off the colours and it is now white (unless you look real close and see orange)

Well accually, there are tama covers you can decorate and put on your tama
That costs money though! Not everyone wants to spend more money on their Tama, why not redecorate it yourself!

you can use sparkly nail polish 2 i used the clear kind w/ sparkles in it and it looked sweet.i used sharpie on 1 of my tamas i dont recommend it.i also used the stick on cell phone stickers it was sweet.


If you use nail plish, DONT GO OVER THE BUTTONS!!!

It will ruin you tama!!!

lol, scrape it off? thats all good, and I'm very sure its awesome, but if you use a blade, it'll scratch the plastic as well, right? :p
