If you had...


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Personaly I wouldn't wish for anything; pretty much let them die.

I know God is in control. ;]

Well, think if everybody in the world had 3 wishes, it would cause havoc.

Think of what people would wish for? Large accounts of money (unearned, probably undeserved), mansions piling with clothes, toys, food, etc., everlasting life, expensive cars, you name it, they wish for it. Hey, what if they even wish for world domination? For revenge over a hated one?

So, I wouldn't want some genie coming up to me and offering 3 wishes, I would probably go on a wish rampage, if I didn't control myself.

No wishes for me! :]

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I'd wish for something simple. To never ever lose my art. Never ever abandon Cyril, Inky, Myrrh, Eos, Pallas, Riptide, Aquos, Kiza..

Sounds stupid/ quixotic, but I like my wish. I won't forget if I promise myself I won't.

Well, if wishes did come true, I'd wish for infinite wishes.
I must agree then you have as many wishs as you like not 3 lol teh id have everything and id also wish i was rich banned animal cruelty acts in china and other stuff for (in my opinion)

a better world no pollution

well dont turn this into a sob story or soap operah but.....

my wishes would be:

1. for my daddy to be alive again

2. to have a pomeranian (dog)

3. hmmm....dunno

but i want moslty wish #1 ^_^

well dont turn this into a sob story or soap operah but.....
my wishes would be:

1. for my daddy to be alive again

2. to have a pomeranian (dog)

3. hmmm....dunno

but i want moslty wish #1 :unsure:
It's not a sob story. If a parent, friend, or relative of mine died, I'd wish them alive again. There is nothing wrong with feeling that way. Don't be so hard on yourself. People have feelings.

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