If you want an Ichigotchi


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Sep 18, 2007
Reaction score
i have an Ichigotchi. I'm not sure if this will work but i've just taken note at the time it turned in one.


Here are the details (plus name, gender and that sort of thing):


Name: Apple

Gender: Girl

Species: Ichigotchi

Weight: 10lbs.

Skill Points: 35/147/23

Teacher: Flower Teacher

Age: 1yrs


Hope it helps

Have a Good Day!!!!!!!!!! ^_^ :( :( :( :huh: :huh: :huh: :D :D :D

i hope it does work on v4.5!I LIKE PUTTING A HAND IN A PONYS MOUTH!!!!!just kidding! :)

how can they get the flower teacher?!?!
When u gradu8 preschool,you choose between 3 pics of teachers.Mr.canvas,Ms.flower And one oter guy.PS: Mr.canvas is the teacher When you go to tamatown and go 2 school ,u will see him,Ms.flower is obiusly a flower.Hope i helpd.By the way cool idea!

There r other ways 2 get that :p , u need this 2 happen...

Baby: gurl

Child: those lil cute mohak things

Teen: :ichigotchi:

NOTE: if this doesn't work, then i'm srry, :( . Also, don't teach it soical pts, or u'll get a :ph34r: !!!!!And, it's the one of the ways 2 get a :furawatchi: IF U TEACH IT CREATIVITY!!!!!!!!!!! And it doesn't matter how many pts they get...I hav 1 right NOW!!XD!!

(This will only work on V4, idk how u get a :ichigotchi: on V4.5). (But i hav discoverd all V4 gurl adults in the Memechi family, Mamechi family, and the Kupachi family; NOT THE :ph34r: FAMILY!!!)

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to get a good chance of getting one then get mizutamatchi and take good care and lots of life points(but not kindness ones!)

The way you get hte teacher is press the right buttons and you can look for the taecher you want.

Hope it helped

PM me. I have 42 tamas and I have gotten to GEN:12

I'm the expert

:furawatchi: :wacko: :wacko: :furawatchi: :furawatchi: :furawatchi: :furawatchi: :furawatchi: :furawatchi:
