If you want your tama black


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Active member
Mar 19, 2006
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Hi guys! Havent been here in a long time... But anyway, When i bought my tamagotchi it was pink, hot pink... and it was the only one in the stores. Eventually it got pretty old. So i decided to make it black! Very easy ;) i know most of you know how to do it but... First you have to have a thing black permanent marker, and a thick permanent marker. (You have to make sure that it had alot of ink.) then from there its easy. Ive tried it on my other orange one but it didnt work well... here a picture of how mine turned out!


Anyway maybe that helped some of you guys :huh:

It dosen't look the best :huh: , but I have to give you props for trying :huh:

Who would want to do that anyway??????????(no offence)

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that looks ok.

but if you didnt want the colour you got then why did you get it.

you shouldnt wreck it and colour it black.

(sorry) :(

I cant highlight it!! but that wasnt a bad idea; i took out a blue sharpie and i colored the keyring on my tama just yesterday :blink: started rubbing off

In the picture, it looks like you coloured the top of the infra-red port. Did you?

If you did, you won't be able to connect.


Ugg.. I might as well fix the link. Does this work?


EDIT: Woo, It worked!! It looks pretty good, but it would rub off. I'd use nail polish.

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Jds said it was the only one in the store. i think he/she did a good job, it's really cool looking. very shiny!
Thanks bro :furawatchi: anyway no i didnt put the sharpie on my infa red connect thing... but if it rubs off just LIGHTLY dab it with the sharpie... make sure its dry first :lol: thanks guys

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