If you were to create a new holiday..


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Well-known member
Apr 22, 2007
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In Candyland. =D
If you were gonna make a new holiday, What would it be? Tell us What the name of the holiday is, What will it reperasent, and What would we do on the holiday?

I will post mine later.

german sheperd day

represents the german sheperd

we would have fun raisers for pet care hopitals andhave a german sheperd parade

There are already holidays for most the things I support. Lazy day isn't technically a holiday.. It's just a 'whenever you feel like it' day, and I like it that way because I can be lazy everyday. Hmm..

I would have to say.. National Pedicure Day.

And I only say this right now because I need to get a pedicure <.<;

I'm sure I'll think of another one later.

Ice Cream Awareness Day

It is a day to celebrate all that is ice cream. Also, the only food for this celebration would be ice cream and ice cream related dishes. For those who are lactose intolerant, there would be plenty of choices.

"Global Warming awarness day" - A day where you pollute ONLY OF NESSACARY. That means only drive your car today for somewhere farther than 4 blocks, and you would need atleast than 3 people in your car. In summer, doi :D

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