If your house was on fire...


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TamaTalk Angelgotchi
Jan 8, 2008
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Okay, so say your house/apartment/trailer/cabin...you get the idea... say it was burning down. Your family and pets are safely outside, all important documents (i.e. bonds, birth/death certificates, legal papers) are locked securely in a fireproof safe, and you only have time to take one item with you. Any item, from any room in your house, but only one. What would it be?

I think I would take a photo album with me of mine and my sister's baby photos. They are very special to me and they are the one thing in my house that I think would be very important to me in the future.

I truely can't think of anything I would want to save. Maybe my corkboard with all of my ribbons, old pets pictures, and medals on it. Or one of the photo albums downstairs with pictures of my dad and his family when he was a kid/in college and all of our old dogs/cats photos.

No material item is really that special to me. As long as my pets were safe, I'd be fine.

My parents lost everything they owned except their lives and their pets in the Oakland fire. They were upset because they lost everything, but they don't miss any specific items that badly.

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I actually have no idea. Perhaps a photo album of my friends back in Ipswich.

I would bring my drawing portfolio.

I can use library computers while saving up for a laptop again, but I can't recreate burnt drawings. I can borrow library books, too.

I acctually think about that a lot, 0_o

I would save my memories. As long as I am out and safe memories are all I would ever need. That and a shoulder to lean on, but I have my crew so I am fine. Now I would run down teh street to my friend house and be all hyper. xD

I would save my family and pets and my snowmen collection and sea shell collection and my personal pictures XD. I'll stop there the rest is personal o_o;; lol.

My computer -

Because it has THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS of memerorable photos that just can't be replaced, as well as my music library which I've built onto my whole life.

Thats hard, I mean im pretty sure I could totally live without my camera,computer, Phone, mp3, ect.

But it would probaly be my stuffed puppy.

I would take my writer notebook, the one with all my original character profiles and plots. I treasure that more than anything else here I have or could have, it contains everything that was ever and will ever be important to me and the roots to my overactive imagination.

My computer. It has my life on it. My journal, for venting, because I have no one else. My notebook, filled with random stories, and the one me and my friend in Cali are working on. I don't think I can survive without it, because my life is basically on my laptop.

ummm... I would save my hamster, because it's a living thing, and i'd rather my crappy3 player and laptop and stuff burn than my hamster, even though it only cost me like $5.

I would save my bookshelf and my writing book. I could live without the computer; but my books and my writing book is kinda a part of me. Whenever I read the books, I remember the last time I was reading them. They hold memories. They would hold memories of my house.

My stuffed cat.

It's a pink stuffed cat named Pinky.

If that cat were burned I would be sad for such a long time it wouldn't even be funny.

To be honest. I wouldn't really care about leaving anything else behina as long as everything truly important to me such as Family, pets, important documents, and Pinky were OK.

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