If your house was on fire...


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Well, I alwas have my i-pod with me...So thats crossed off my list.

I think I'd save my black cat named Eyore! ;)


It has a ton of my pictures, files, and one of the ways I can keep in touch with my friends.

Beside that... A diffrent family photo album, probably.

Probably my stuffed bear, Mr. Bear. Yeah, it's hard to decide since I have a Wii and the Sims on my PC, but Mr. Bear is my life. Without him, I would probably... do something bad. XD

That's a pretty tough decision. I'd have to choose between my Webkinz, Tamagotchis, other v-pets, video game systems, other stuffed animals, etc. But I think I'd have to take my Ty Beanie Babies Basset Hound that my parents got me for Valentine's Day of this year. I just got him, yes, but he is special to me. My parents got him for me, and he has just the saddest expression on his face.

I wouldn't be able to just leave him to die! In case you want to look up a pic of him his name Ty gave him is Tracker.

My computer hold so much stuff about me that really cant be replaced. I hav3e like, 5 gigs of word documents on this computer only, and its also how I get in contact with my friends. If I could only take one thing, It would be my computer (With keyboard XD)

Hmmm.... I don't know. I'd probably rush to get a huge trash bag (I have one in my room in case of emergencies such as a fire) and go in my closet and stuff all my clothes in there, go and get my Build A Bear WS Rudolph and Clarice, my straightening iron, make-up mirror, purse (with my very important stuff in it), my marching band letter jacket, my 3 flutes and 2 piccolos, my oboe, my clarinet, and my 2 band pajama bottoms.

I know it's more than one thing but I can't choose just one thing =(


I also can't choose 1 thing, and it would be a mix of....

Sally, my stuffed scarecrow,I can't live without her.

My best friend's photo and funeral card.(She died , she was killed by a truck...WAHHH!!)

and my photo albums.

Well I cant choose between these 2.....

My Naruto Shadow Box. If I save it, in the future I will be looking through it thinking "I really used to like this!?" And it will remind me of these days. And I would try to grab my Chobits series to X3

Or my Computer. This thing is friggen AWESOME. It can hold alot of stuff, and I can barely live without teh internet. Or my scanner, or music. Which it has all of it....

EDIT: I would grab my Cloth baggy, throw in my Shadow box, Chobits, All my Anime maerchandise that I can find, then rush to the PC with the bag on my back, unplug it, grab the moniter, speakers, and keyboard with the CPU and run out as fast as I can!

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well i would abviously grab my fone or it would already b in my hands, so im not counting that. i would most definetly save my pets over anything else


My money. If I didn't have any money, I'd be living on the streets, or I'd have to go back to my parent's house. :)

If it was 2 things, I would save my money and this beautiful necklace my boyfriend got me. :eek:


I will save my parents (Duh!)

My cat! (whatever shall I do without him D:)

My computer!!

And my Winnie The Pooh and my stuffed lion!! :3

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