If your life turned for the worst...


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Anime girl

Well-known member
Dec 27, 2005
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In Canada~ Ruling the world. >:O
Aw yes. I think we all have horrible nightmares about how our lives could fall apart either in the future or present. :3

But what would be your worst nightmare coming true?

For me it'd be in the future...

I'd be divorced, dumped with three freaking kids. Living in a small town house with a fat boyfriend who keeps mooching off my stuff. O:<

I'd have a low paying job and constantly working to keep the family afloat. ;_;

The only thing to look forward to in the day would be a good smoke.

So what would be your worst nightmare?

Happening now? Or in the future? :3

The worst thing that could happen is that my parents suddenly decide to cut me off when I'm eighteen. Life would suck so hard. Worse case scenario though, I commit suicide, because there is no way I'm gonna live the life you just described. Or maybe I would just suffer for my kids, if they had no one suitable.

Um.. xD It'd be a bit hilarious though.

Maybe.. having 10 kids, 4 fat ugly husbands, living in a small 1 room-ed house with no money what so ever and had to kill each other to survive. DX It isn't really a nightmare, it's like some survival show or something o_o

Maybe it'd be.. Having bad parents and being hit and kicked every day.. No food, no water, starving to death Dx

Umm. Well I plan to be a single mum with an alcohol problem.

My worst thing would not being able to studt forensics as it is my dream job. I don't mind if I fail but not getting the oppertunity would make me feel like a epic fail.

Be dying from starvation as an orphan.

That'd be life at it's worst. I'm happy as long as I have the basics to living life --- food, water, friends, family and shelter. I'm not really a greedy person and can adapt to many places, things and surroundings.

My life at its worst would be......... what Ksenia said. An orphan, dying.

The worst thing I can imagine is not doing something productive with my life. Not doing something that I love and not having passion for my job.

I hate thinking about this stuff. It really doesn't inspire happy thoughts. xD

I'd put up with most things, actually, as long as I had people I loved, and who loved me. That's what it's all about, really. Bonds with people that hold everything together. I guess my worst case scenario would be to live life alone, loved and appreciated by nobody. Miserable existence, much?

I agree with Sky and Anime Girl.

That's the worst that can probably happen...

I honestly don't care about things anymore. Ox It's like a joke to me. :/


OPTION 1: Marrying a geeky tractor-loving, john-deer loving boy, having none of my novels published, getting spam e-mails from my former elementary classmates.

OPTION 2: Marrying Jaycee. (PERIOD)

OPTION 3: Finding out my boyfriend was an actor from Twilight.


OPTION 1: Finding out Jaycee has a crush on me.

OPTION 2: Finding out my dogs Abby and Alli got shot by our careless neigbors in the feild. (That happened to my nextdoor neighbors dog)

OPTION 3: Finding out one of my sisters is pregnant. (I'm WAAAYYYY too young to be an aunt)

Well, the worst thing that could happen ever is if all of you guys left TT, or left me without a way to communicate with youu.

Seriously, I think: Not growing taller soon, getting a terminal disease, my friends ditching me or any TT friend leaving would kill me.

Friends and Family are two of the biggest things for me.

Friends means everyone. The people I've met and love in real life, but also everyone on here. If I lost anyone, I'd be hysterical. I've lost some friends recently and already feeling terrible. If all of a sudden I had lost all my friends on this planet, I think I'd be close to suicide.

My family means the world to me. Really, they're the people who walk in when the rest of the world walks out. If I were to lose anyone from my family [friendship wise or death wise], I think I'd also be nearly suicidal. Words can't explain how important my family is. Everyone, whether they're distant relatives or close relatives, are exceptionally important and will be for life.

FUTURE:OPTION 1: Marrying a geeky tractor-loving, john-deer loving boy, having none of my novels published, getting spam e-mails from my former elementary classmates.

OPTION 2: Marrying Jaycee. (PERIOD)

OPTION 3: Finding out my boyfriend was an actor from Twilight.


OPTION 1: Finding out Jaycee has a crush on me.

OPTION 2: Finding out my dogs Abby and Alli got shot by our careless neigbors in the feild. (That happened to my nextdoor neighbors dog)

OPTION 3: Finding out one of my sisters is pregnant. (I'm WAAAYYYY too young to be an aunt)
LOL! :]

That would suck wouldn't it? XD

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