I'm a vegitarian


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Well-known member
Oct 10, 2005
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Mars =D
as the title says should i eat meat again i don't know i was a vegitarian for 6 years

i want to hear what you think

eat meat! You need protein! mostly everything in your body is made of protien, your hair, your skin, everything!

that's what I think.

*Moved to NonTT*

I was brought up as a vegetarian and it wasn't until I moved out of home that I start to eat meat. I don't particularly like meat and can definately live without it.

One thing that you get from meat that is difficult to obtain otherwise is iron. Iron is particular important in females because a lot is lost in menstruation and it can lead to anaemia. Anaemia will leave you looking gaunt and feeling tired all the time. Not fun! :blink:

It is up to you whether you wish to eat meat or not. It is important for your diet for iron amongst other things e.g. protein as was earlier mentioned however, you can survive without it. You will need to invest in some iron and B12 tablets for max iron availability and absorption and also make sure you are having plenty of milk, fish, eggs and diary to provide you with other sources of protein. :furawatchi:

I personally think you should eat meat. Not because I, myself eat meat, but since you've been a vegetarian for so long, you've probably lost a lot of nutrients.

If you want to eat meat, but still want to stick to vegetarian ways, you might try just eating it once in a while. You don't need meat every day if you don't want to, but once in a while is a lot better than never.

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ok it's hard to try meat again after so long what is your favourite meat because if it's good i might try it first

also if anybody has any good vegetarian recipes because i love cooking

I personally think you should eat meat. Not because I, myself eat meat, but since you've been a vegetarian for so long, you've probably lost a lot of nutrients.
If you want to eat meat, but still want to stick to vegetarian ways, you might try just eating it once in a while. You don't need meat every day if you don't want to, but once in a while is a lot better than never.
agrees *nods to Bell sprout too!*

maybe you can add in just one type of meat.

maybe if you find you like fish, only eat fish.

or if you like chicken, chicken.

you would still be a vegetarian actualy, if you did just eat fish, i dont really know why, but thats one of the levels or whatever.

it might be hard on your body for a while if you do switch to meat (as a regular) so maybe build it up. like, only add a little meat into say, some soup or something. or a couple bite of stake with a potatoe, ect. things like that.

so you dont bog down you body with things it isnt used too.

u dont like meat neithar does my friends sister but my brother would die without meat so do u eat veggie burgers and stuff like that ????? :angry:

My favorite meat is crab, but not a lot of people like that at first.

I would try beef. Maybe try a hamburger helper or something. That would give it the right seasoning so you're not just eating it plain.

Whatever diet you choose, you are just as healty on both. Veggies get the stuff they need from meat through nuts beans, soya, Quorn, and many other things. :lol:

Sorry, everybody knows that...

Well I would say when starting to eat meat again take it slow. Your body might not be used to meat in it so it might take a little time to get used to.

Try eating little bits of meat here and there before having plates and plates of it everyday. I wish you the best of luck!

I think you should start to eat meat, you don't have to eat meat ALL the time. I am half vegitarian, I have servings of meat once in a while.

I'm not saying do exactly what I say, but my opinion is that you should eat meat. Protein and many other things you get from meat are good for you. Besides, why would you be a vegetarian? If you re worried about animals, I say this:

If everyone were vegetarians, all of the animal species in the world we eat now would overpopulate. Picture this: Our wonderful America, a huge pit of mud or something for the pigs to live in! Who wants that?

If this makes you feel awkward or different (besides considering not eating meat), don't feel bad. I told this to a vegetarian friend and she was all mopey with low self-esteem. I didn't mean to hurt you, and the whole world will probably not all become vegetarians.

as the title says should i eat meat again i don't know i was a vegitarian for 6 years
i want to hear what you think
Well first of all, Why do you want to eat meat again?



If it is your health, you should definitly go back to meat,

But if it is basicly anything else, it is honestly up to you.


Kate ♥

It's your choice...I'm a Vegetarian too and I'm staying that way.

But If you want to eat meat again then you should

I think that you should do whatever you need to to keep a healthy body. It would actually be healthier to eat some meat once in a while, and if you don't like it, eat only the kinds you like. I am not vegitarian, but I still love like pigs and cows and stuff. I don't eat much of it, because I don't like the meat. Meat gives you lots of important vitamins and minerals. If you want to eat meat and you are vegitarian for animal rights, then eat only the meat that says that the animal had a happy life. Then you won't feel bad eating it. Plus you know that it is good for you. If you are already vegitarian and you don't really want to change, that's perfectly fine! :) Just make sure that you eat plenty of vitamins and mix protein powder with your drinks. If you don't like eating all those vitamin tablets and protein tablets, then you should definitely switch to eating meat again. Remember, you should do whatever you can to stay healthy. But also remember not to let people pressure you into making certain decisions that could affect your life. :rolleyes:

i don't like animals that much so thats not the reason i'm a vegitarian one day i just decided to

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