im brand spankin new at this and havent got a clue


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cha chi

New member
Sep 9, 2005
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B) :rolleyes: B) B) B) B) B)


hey, i need help , just signed up , havent a clue if i am even doin this right , so help ,

before i do something stupid!!!

Don't worry about it. Just click around and explore before you start posting. It'll become easier for you. And if you need anything check out the Help section. You can get there by putting your mouse at the top over "Extras" and click Help. Here is the direct link:

Right now it seems like ur doing everything right!! B)

The help section in tama talk should help out any difficult things. If u still

need help, you can always PM me!

anyways, B) WELCOME TO TAMA TALK!!!!! B)

welcome! if u wanted ur text to be purple, be sure to click "close all tags" at the end of ur posts or else it won't work :gozarutchi:

Hi and welcome to TamaTalk. And TamaMum is right. The link PoorCookie gave you will help you a LOT! B) And if you need any help feel free to PM me or any other member. We are all here to help and help you learn! Have a good time! B)

WELCOME! Pm me anytime by clicking on my name then on personal message. You are going quite good already. By the way, I have learnt that most perople find it hard and annoying to read bright, large text, it takes longer to write, and takes up more space, making it also harder to load. Use the FAST REPLY icon instead.

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