I'm dreading school now


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Well-known member
Mar 26, 2007
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St. Albert, Alberta
Okay, heres whats going on.

In school, it seems that over the past few weeks I've become hated by most people. Theres one guy in my homeroom, Sean, hes REALLY mean to many people. He is constantly giving people nicknames and such, and just being plain mean. He has given me about 5 nicknames already, and all of them hurt. He is also always saying rude stuff about me, my looks, anything. If I do or say something, he has to comment. Many people are doing this stuff to me, everyone except for a few select people. Anyways, Sean sits close to me in most classes, and I'm getting really annoyed with him. In social, we had to do a poster about a tribe, our desks are split into three groups, so those were our groups. Sean just happens to sit in front of me. SO we were drawing pictures, and I drew a half built longhouse. I thought it was pretty good, but everyone started getting angry at me for doing a terrible job and how Marina was already drawing a longhouse. Well they glued hers over mine because of course, hers was better. Then Sean drew a REALLY bad picture of a person, so I wrote Sean drew this with an arrow pointing to the picture. Suddenly everyone got really angry at me saying I ruined the poster and such, then they started complaining to the teacher. I was confused because at my elementary school, if I had done that nobody would have cared and they would have just laughed. I didnt understand what the big deal was...So now people keep bugging me about how I messed up the poster, even after we used white-out. Theres only about 3-4 people that are actually nice to me. I'm starting to hate that I decided to go to a different school than all of my friends. I hate that people care so much about looks and stuff. Why does everyone have to bother me? I'm sorry for ranting(sp?) and talking about this stuff, it must sound really stupid, but I had to tell someone.

That's real stupid for getting hated for...

It seems like some of your friends need to grow up.

That's really bad if they get mad over a poster. Maybe it

was just a 'I hate you today thing'. That happens a lot at our school.

They hate somebody for a while, then get over it. If they are still mad about

that tommorow, just forget them. This reminds me of this one girl at our school.

These preps started spreading rumors (as usual) about this one girl. The rumors were

fake, but now she has no friends. She only has a few now, and she used to be one of the

popular girls at school.

That's real stupid for getting hated for...It seems like some of your friends need to grow up.

That's really bad if they get mad over a poster. Maybe it

was just a 'I hate you today thing'. That happens a lot at our school.

They hate somebody for a while, then get over it. If they are still mad about

that tommorow, just forget them. This reminds me of this one girl at our school.

These preps started spreading rumors (as usual) about this one girl. The rumors were

fake, but now she has no friends. She only has a few now, and she used to be one of the

popular girls at school.
They aren't my friends

And it isnt a one day hate thing, these people have been bothering me since the second week of school :(

Its not just because of the poster either, I dont understand what I've done for them to suddenly think I was the perfect target for bullying, a boy named Jordan gets picked on less than me, and he has really bad problems...really bad.

I sound like a six year old, haha

thanks for your help

Awww, I'm sorry to hear that. It happens to me aswell because I have a higher metabolism than everyone else, and I'm much shorter so people start hating on me. Seriously, pay no attention to the haters. It's their choice if they're going to be cruel judgmental people. But face it, wherever you go, no matter how many schools you go to, looks will matter. I learned that the hard way. So this year, I decided to take some spare time and actually make a change for myself. I got my eyebrows waxed, I decided to wear make up, and to actually brush my hair.

I know I sound like a huge prep or something but it worked a bit more. I'm not saying "CHANGE PLZ" I'm just suggesting what I did, and I got more change from other people.

It's cruel but true >_<;

complain to the principal. it works if you have a nice one that understands. also i agree with x.Saku lookes DO matter wherever you go, just improve your look a little if you want, and just tell them 2 bad when they start complaining

Awww, I'm sorry to hear that. It happens to me aswell because I have a higher metabolism than everyone else, and I'm much shorter so people start hating on me. Seriously, pay no attention to the haters. It's their choice if they're going to be cruel judgmental people. But face it, wherever you go, no matter how many schools you go to, looks will matter. I learned that the hard way. So this year, I decided to take some spare time and actually make a change for myself. I got my eyebrows waxed, I decided to wear make up, and to actually brush my hair.
I know I sound like a huge prep or something but it worked a bit more. I'm not saying "CHANGE PLZ" I'm just suggesting what I did, and I got more change from other people.

It's cruel but true >_<;
Exactly. Where ever you go it's going to be exactly the same so might as well make the best of it where you are currently, eh?

And there is nothing wrong with trying to look your best. Looking good does not make you a shallow brat - it just means you take a healthy pride in yourself and that's great.

I don't mean this in a bad way but do you have any personal quirks that could turn people off to them being your friend? No matter what no one should be bullied but if you could pinpoint something to work on [for instance, maybe you don't think before you speak or they feel some how you're too bossy, etc.] and then you may find yourself attracting more friends.

If they're just picking on you simply because they're just really rude, just ignore them. It's hard but find your peeps, stick with them, and don't these jerks' rude comments to heart. :D

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