I'm guilty to eat


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Mar 1, 2009
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I am so messed up right now. I could'nt even eat dinner. I keep feeling so bad for the animals on my plate. I think every time I eat a chicken nugget, I'm eating a poor little chick. They do look similar. I got a letter from PETA today. It kept saying fur some coats are cats and dogs put under a different label. Then I tought in different countrys how they eat cat and dog! I cried with the thought of chomping down my kitty. I totally gave up pig four years ago. I just think I could do better. I can't be a Vegetarian, I don't know what I would eat. I would starve. Today we read in class how water is polluting and killing Salmon. A kid said, "Who cares about fish? Let them die so I can eat." That made me wonder how I would feel if I was slautered against my will. I need some help or somrthing if I ever want to ate again.

I'm a vegetarian and have been since I was six.

I loved meat! I would eat it all the time, but as soon as I found out what it was I just got turned off it completely.

In my opinion, an animal is a living thing. Everyone says 'God put animals on earth so we can eat them', but animals have feelings too. If you wouldn't eat another human then why would you want to eat an animal? They may not be as intelligent as us but they still have feelings.

If you stepped on a cats tail it would meow in pain wouldnt it? How would people like it if a more intelligent species would just come up to us and chop our heads off whenever they wanted to eat? If other people want to eat meat Its their choice and they can eat it if they want, I just wouldnt eat it myself.

... I'm a vegetarian, and no offence or anything, I do eat.





Almost ALL of thee dishes take less time than meat.

And if you go to your grocery store, they have a meatless part of the frozen isle.

I myself prefer Morningstar, Amy's and Boca, as to anything else.

Good luck, and feel free to PM me about it; I'll be happy to help.

... I need some help or somrthing if I ever want to ate again.
You're not messed up. Please don't think that you "need help". :hitodetchi:

You don't need help at all :puroperatchi:

You just need to take responsibility for yourself.

If eating animals really upsets you, don't ask PETA about it (biased, extreme opinion, much?) - please, find out stuff for yourself.

Do a little bit of research on Vegetarianism. Avoid the sites that want to shock you about how terrible it is to eat animals. You don't need to know that if you are already considering giving up meat.

Find out how to eat healthily without eating meat. Have a look through those links that Plazmical Ecstasy gave you.

It's really not so difficult - even if you're not allowed to cook at home you could ask your Mom to buy veggie burgers, sausages, etc. and substitute them for the meat on the plate when she serves up dinner. Even if you are not allowed to give meat up totally you could try to persuade your Mom to let you cut out some meat meals and substitute other proteins (eggs, cheese, soya, etc.)

Once you start following a vegetarian diet you will find out if you still feel as strongly about eating animals.

Lots of people are vegetarians and eat healthily and happily without meat. Some people just can't give meat up. Some people become vegetarians and later in life start eating meat again.

My sister in law loves animals to eccentricity, but she does still eat some meat - she just spends a lot of time working in animal rescue and caring for sick animals :ichigotchi:

Everyone is different and everyone finds their own way. Just make sure you've made up your own mind - and not had someone else make it up for you :mametchi:

It's really not so difficult - even if you're not allowed to cook at home you could ask your Mom to buy veggie burgers, sausages, etc. and substitute them for the meat on the plate when she serves up dinner. Even if you are not allowed to give meat up totally you could try to persuade your Mom to let you cut out some meat meals and substitute other proteins (eggs, cheese, soya, etc.)
That's where I'm at. I want to go completely vegetarian, but my parents are completely against it. Everyday after school, I go work out and lift weights and they say I need to eat a lot of protein if I need to keep my strength up. [i'm in track. 8D]

For me, it's not even that the animals are being killed... it's just that I can't STAND the taste of meat! I don't care for it at all. It just tastes gross and fattening to me.

So what I do, is I don't really eat any red meat - a compromise between me and my parents. I HATE beef, so I don't have to eat hamburgers, hotdogs, tacos, sausage, etc. I DO however, eat chicken, turkey, and seafood. :lol:

There's nothing wrong with eating meat though, dear. Animals have been created for us to eat, but not ONLY eat. Animals can be our friends too. :)

Some people say that animals don't have souls. I don't believe that. I believe that animals have souls just like anyone else - my cat has too much personality to believe otherwise! :lol:

I'm racking my brain to think of SOMETHING to tell you so that you see it isn't wrong or immoral to eat animals. But right now I'm afraid I'm drawing a blank. D:

All in all though, I agree with what TamaMum said. Mabye just cut back on your meat intake, if that's what makes you happy. Try some vegetarian recipes, and maybe even give vegetarianism a go. You'll see if you're really commited a few days after you last ate meat. :D

That's where I'm at. I want to go completely vegetarian, but my parents are completely against it. Everyday after school, I go work out and lift weights and they say I need to eat a lot of protein if I need to keep my strength up. [i'm in track. 8D]
For me, it's not even that the animals are being killed... it's just that I can't STAND the taste of meat! I don't care for it at all. It just tastes gross and fattening to me.

So what I do, is I don't really eat any red meat - a compromise between me and my parents. I HATE beef, so I don't have to eat hamburgers, hotdogs, tacos, sausage, etc. I DO however, eat chicken, turkey, and seafood. :(

There's nothing wrong with eating meat though, dear. Animals have been created for us to eat, but not ONLY eat. Animals can be our friends too. -_-

Some people say that animals don't have souls. I don't believe that. I believe that animals have souls just like anyone else - my cat has too much personality to believe otherwise! :)

I'm racking my brain to think of SOMETHING to tell you so that you see it isn't wrong or immoral to eat animals. But right now I'm afraid I'm drawing a blank. D:

All in all though, I agree with what TamaMum said. Mabye just cut back on your meat intake, if that's what makes you happy. Try some vegetarian recipes, and maybe even give vegetarianism a go. You'll see if you're really commited a few days after you last ate meat. :D
Hey, you get plenty of protein from plenty of vegetarian foods... The idea that vegetarian diet is all 'rabbit food' is an old theory, maybe show your parents some recipes or something, get them to do a family meal of it, to show them that they are so nutricious and healthy - there are plenty of sports people who don't eat meat.

If you don't like the taste - don't eat it... Your parents may disagree but they have to understand that there are alternatives that they too can eat and enjoy... Vegetarian food can be eaten by meat-eaters too but so many people forget that :D

I've only been vegetarian for 6 years but I'm still healthy, so if you're really set on it, find facts and try and show your parents that it's not the end of the world... Also, maybe talk to your doctor to see if it'll affect your health before changing your diet =)

But yeah, all in all, it's still a healthy and varied diet, there's so much out there that you can eat =)


I'm in the same situation! I don't wanna be a vegetarian, but I <3 pepperoni! When I eat meat I just try to forget that it is an animal and it's a vegetable. :D

The thing is, meat is good for you. (unless it's raw) So I don't wanna be a vegetarian. Last year I barely ate meat because I felt really bad. Like I said, lately I've been trying to think that when I eat meat it's not really meat.

I really feel bad for lobsters. You see them in this tiny container in the grocery store and when you cook them they scream. :( I hate the thought of animals being killed/dead. :(

I am so messed up right now. I could'nt even eat dinner. I keep feeling so bad for the animals on my plate. I think every time I eat a chicken nugget, I'm eating a poor little chick. They do look similar. I got a letter from PETA today. It kept saying fur some coats are cats and dogs put under a different label. Then I tought in different countrys how they eat cat and dog! I cried with the thought of chomping down my kitty. I totally gave up pig four years ago. I just think I could do better. I can't be a Vegetarian, I don't know what I would eat. I would starve. Today we read in class how water is polluting and killing Salmon. A kid said, "Who cares about fish? Let them die so I can eat." That made me wonder how I would feel if I was slautered against my will. I need some help or somrthing if I ever want to ate again.
Why do you feel guilty about eating meat? What exactly is it that you feel about?

Why do you feel guilty about eating meat? What exactly is it that you feel about?
I feel guilty that I had to have an animal killed just so I could eat. I think about how I don't want people to eat me. Thats how the poor little animals must feel.

Other animals kill other animals to get nourishment. Do you feel guilty about that?

If you don't want to eat meat, just try vegetarian dishes. There are plenty of tasty veggie dishes!

I feel guilty that I had to have an animal killed just so I could eat. I think about how I don't want people to eat me. Thats how the poor little animals must feel.
Be careful about imagining that the animals we farm / raise for food think in the same way as humans. They don't.

We know this because experts have studied human behaviour and animal behaviour and animal behaviour is much more instinctive and simple.

They don't think about how people might eat them. They just concentrate on living their lives - eating, sleeping, pooping and reproducing - and in some cases, simple socialising.

They are not lying awake at nights wondering if there's a human out there who wants to eat them.

If you feel guilty about an animal being killed to feed you then take positive action by researching healthy nutritional alternatives to eating that animal.

The point is, you will get nowhere just feeling depressed about it and you are kidding yourself if you think that animals are worrying about the same things you do - they are animals, not sentient humans - there is a huge difference :D

(and I don't mean that it gives humans the right to eat them, I am just saying that it is incorrect to imagine that they think the same way we do).

I'm in the same situation! I don't wanna be a vegetarian, but I <3 pepperoni! When I eat meat I just try to forget that it is an animal and it's a vegetable. :furawatchi:
The thing is, meat is good for you. (unless it's raw) So I don't wanna be a vegetarian. Last year I barely ate meat because I felt really bad. Like I said, lately I've been trying to think that when I eat meat it's not really meat.

I really feel bad for lobsters. You see them in this tiny container in the grocery store and when you cook them they scream. -_- I hate the thought of animals being killed/dead. :(
This might sound extremely rude, just, try and remember, it's not meant to be offensive. I have that defensive side of me. Sorry.

Meat causes:

-Kidney Stones

- Clogged Colons

- Diabetes (Yes, this is proven.)

- Obesity (... That doesn't have to be proven to be obvious.)

- Certain Cancers.

And this is all COOKED meat.

Meat is just getting your vegetables in a more... Er, -censored-for-meanness- way.

Meat's flavor is really just vegetable seasonings, really.

... Meat causes:
-Kidney Stones

- Clogged Colons

- Diabetes (Yes, this is proven.)

- Obesity (... That doesn't have to be proven to be obvious.)

- Certain Cancers.

And this is all COOKED meat.

Meat is just getting your vegetables in a more... Er, -censored-for-meanness- way.

Meat's flavor is really just vegetable seasonings, really.
I understand you want to put the vegetarian side of the discussion in a positive light but it is a little misleading to make a blanket statement like "Meat causes:...."

Let's just clarify that by saying that it has been known, in some people, to cause those things - but not in everyone, obviously

... otherwise most of the world would be diabetic and have kidney stones and have clogged colons and be obese and have cancer - which, clearly, most of the world doesn't :lol:

There are clear health benefits to a properly managed vegetarian diet that includes essential nutrients.

A vegetarian diet can be unhealthy if it contains too many calories and/or saturated fat and not enough important nutrients.

Meat is a valuable dietary source of protein - but you don't need to eat meats to have enough protein in your diet. Plant proteins can provide enough of the essential and non-essential amino acids, as long as the sources of protein are varied and your caloric intake is high enough to meet your energy needs.

Sadly, I have never yet tasted a vegetable that has the flavor of meat, so I can't agree with meat's flavor being just vegetable seasoning - although I guess I haven't (yet) tasted every vegetable in the world, so maybe one day in the future I can agree with this suggestion :lol: :lol:

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Meat has protein. Thats realy good. People said if you don't eat animals you will die for lack of nuterion. If vegetarians only eat Veggies, Then won't they die?

Meat has protein. Thats realy good. People said if you don't eat animals you will die for lack of nuterion. If vegetarians only eat Veggies, Then won't they die?
Perhaps you should re-read my previous reply - particularly the bit after "Meat is a valuable dietry source of protein..." - it answers the questions you just asked....

^ yes, salad is good for you too. I just can't relise how you could get protien without meats.

I'm sorry. :mimitchi:

^ yes, salad is good for you too. I just can't relise how you could get protien without meats.I'm sorry. :mimitchi:
Vegetarians don't only eat vegetables. They also eat grains (bread products), fruits, nuts, and dairy products (vegans do not eat dairy products, but for now this topic seems to be about vegetarians). You can get protein from various types of vegetables, nuts, and dairy products. It doesn't only come from meat. Many vegetarians also take vitamins to help them get any minerals they may be not getting enough of because although they are able to get every vitamin needed with their diet, sometimes it is harder to get them. They take those to make sure they get every thing they need.

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