I'm having trouble in school! T.T


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Well-known member
Jul 4, 2006
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United States of America
I'm now in the 7th grade. Ever since my best friend, Kanami moved back to Japan, I've had no friends sinse the end of 6th grade! Of course Shelby calls me her bffl, but she dosen't talk to me anymore! She dosen't ever save me a seat at lunch! And I'm crying, because I have no friends at all anymore! What should I do? :D

Try to hang out with girls that seem really nice. Talk to eachother, and see if you have similarities. If you have this problem still next week, try talking to your parents, or your teacher. They could sort something out ;)

i already talked to my mom, and the girls aren't nice! I had to be paired up with a stupid girl, who hasn't done their work so they had to copy of mine. And then she says to her stupid boyfriend I wish i was your partner because she's scary! OHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then I go up to the teacher and I see HER and HIM saying somethingabout me, but they stop talking because I come over!!!! ;) OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! I hope they get hit by a car!!!!!!!

You can still send letters to Kanami. ;)

Making friends is easy. Just remember, there's a nice side to everyone even if they seem mean at first.

Just approach someone and smile and say, "can I sit with you?" or "is this seat taken?". If they say no, then just say "Oh, OK. Thanks anyways!" And try again at another table. You should find someone nice, I promise! :huh:

Best of luck!

*shrug* My little lunch-bunch gang sort of sucks in people from here or there.

I feel like the people who really don't have friends are the people who think that they have no friends. Those are the people always saying "Everyone hates me.. I have no friends, nobody understands me.." etc. I think those people are the saddest because they're the ones who are really blind to other people around them trying to help.

If I was someone's friend and they always complained about how everybody hates them, I would be a tad offended, wouldn't you think? Most people would.

So, I think the best way of making friends is to compliment someone before class starts. Maybe when you're just sitting around before the bell rings or something, just walk up to someone and give them a compliment. Don't have the intention of making friends, just compliment them. Usually, it's very flattering, and people have a positive view on you after. (That is, if you're being honest. There are people out there who can sniff out a lie easily. Don't try them.) Especially if you're talking about artwork. I meet a lot of people by trading sketchbooks and thumbing through them. They don't have to be my friends, really, just you don't think "Everybody hates me!!!" if there are some people you at least talk to.

You know what? To be honest, I would recommend hanging out with guys cause if it aint working with the girls, it might with the guys. Now I'm not talking about sitting with them at lunch or being around them all day. Just a simple friendship like talking after or before school or even at luch and class times.

I am really good friends with quite a few guys, and to me their friendships are more valuable than with the girls, cause I am kind of in a fight with one of my friends at the moment.

Quite a few of my friendships with the guys are great, and most of them started with a simple game of handball at lunch.

And also, all my life most of my best friends have been guys. I just get along with them more than the girls. I'm not a girly girl at all.

If you don't feel comfortable around guys, I can understand.

Just as a few others said, there is good in everyone, and just like the old saying goes, Never judge a book by its cover

I moved last year.. So I went through a somewhat similar situation.

Ask to sit with somebody at lunch. You never know.

If you see someone who shares something in common with you, like something you like to do, don't be afraid to open your mouth.

And if it doesn't work out, I don't suggest wishing someone to be hit by a car. -__-

I had maybe one or two friends who were girls in my old town, which of course I still talk to. They're only a 10 or 15 minute drive away, so I still get with them on weekends.

But I made about 5 or 6 guy friends at my new school, and we get along great. And we all became friends because I gave one of them a Twinkie at lunch and we started talking about South Park. xD

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