I'm having trouble on tama town.


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Well-known member
Feb 19, 2006
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:wacko: When I go on to tamatown, even if I type in my username the same, it always says welcome and gives me the password for the passport!! Does this happen 4 you too?? :eek: I don't think it's a very good design...


:( When I go on to tamatown, even if I type in my username the same, it always says welcome and gives me the password for the passport!! Does this happen 4 you too?? :D I don't think it's a very good design... :angry:
:angry: :( Don't worry it just mean that they are giving you a password for your Tamagotchi and to enter.

It does the same thing for me.You do not have to worry

:gozarutchi: When I go on to tamatown, even if I type in my username the same, it always says welcome and gives me the password for the passport!! Does this happen 4 you too?? :D I don't think it's a very good design... :gozarutchi:
yeah it does! Isnt it weird? :D

:D When I go on to tamatown, even if I type in my username the same, it always says welcome and gives me the password for the passport!! Does this happen 4 you too?? :pochitchi: I don't think it's a very good design... :marumimitchi:
It's not really too much trouble to close the box though is it? And imagine how annoying it would be if you had the same username as 100 other people, and it refused to give you a code because it had already given it to that name before!

It does that for me too its just in case some one else has the same username as you and their new. so then everyone gets the user name they want because almost everyone in the world has one and the chances are some one else will have the same user name as you

It's for safety. Someone could have the same name as you and could be your friend!!!!! She (or he) might make you lose points!

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