I'm home alone! o:


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Yeah. But often it's just for 30 minutes or so, when my dad goes shopping - but I have been left home alone for up to 3 days. But that was with my cousin, so..

I am home alone quite a lot. I am home alone with my sister right now.

Mum finishes work at 4:00 pm.

I love staying at home by myself.

I can't stand that either GotchiGirl,mainly when siblings look over your shoulder to see what your on.

I love having the house to myself. It's so peaceful. There are six members of my family, and some of them can get hyper. REALLY HYPER. So it's nice to be alone. Especially since I only start school again on Monday, so I've been having the house to myself for a while. :']

I never leave my room. My parents' don't mind leaving me at home, 'cause the only time I roam out of my cyber-world is to find something to eat. I don't know how to work the oven, so no fire!

So yeah. I am often left alone, with just me, the house and internet. <3

That should be a title.


I'm never meant to be left alone, but sometimes my brother isn't home when I come back from school. I wish I had the house (and computer!) to myself more often, then I could listen to music on the laptop whenever I feel like it.

I get left home alone a lot. Half an hour on Mondays, an hour and a half on Wednesdays, an hour and a half on Fridays and 2 and a half hours on Saturday mornings. I like it too, but I lay down some rules for myself.

1. No looking at anything on the computer i wouldn't be allowed to.

2. make as much nopise as i like. that way if some creepo walks past, its going to be ovbious that someones home.

3. Dont pig out on junk from the cupboard

4 no sneaking coke out of the fridge

I once ate all the lollies my mum was saving for a party, and blamed it on my dad. afterwards i felt so bad i tried to tell her and started crying. when i finally told her, she actually started laughing! parents are strange

I dislike being alone :) . Not that I ever am, anyway. I don't mind the lack of privacy when I not alone. I only think I was home alone once or twice and they were only for an hour or so. Mom doesn't work, and my brother is still doing his online degree so they're always at home. The last time I was home alone was when my brother had to visit the hospital and my Dad was unavailable so Mom had to go. I didn't feel unusual. I didn't feel scared either. Of course I always have the computer to myself, but other than TT, there's not much else I do so its really very boring. Either that, or I just watch a DVD. On the other hand, I am afraid of burglars, but that's just at night.

Who else thought of the movie Home Alone as soon as they saw this topic?

I was just left home alone or about four hours today! I'm left home alone for that long every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. It's fun but boring. if the weather's great, I'm not allowed to go out or anything. I like the freedom of being able to run around the house dancing, eating as much as I want, sleeping as much as I want, talking on the phone without people overhearing, texting as much as I want, talking to myself out loud without people thinking I'm some insane freak, and such, but I love the company of people. :)

Being home alone isn't really my type of thing. :p

I'm not sure.

When I'm off school, and my mum's not, my brother and I are alone. Then, he goes out and it's just me. But I'm asleep.

And my mum gets paranoid that the house will burn down and I'll get stalked, raped and murdered, all in the half hour that I'd be alone.

So she doesn't find out.

But my brother doesn't leave his room unless he's going to a hospital, or a party.

Im never home alone, because im scared that someone will break into my house. o.o i never leave my moms side now. Go ahead, laugh at me. i don't care.

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^ Thats Alright.

I usually go where-ever my Mom goes, and I'm 16.

Except school. I'd Disown my Mother if she went to school with me. xD kidding.

I don't have a very good Social life.

I'm home alone a lot.

I'm really happy when I'm home alone 'cause I can use the computer anytime I want. But sometimes I'm scared 'cause I feel like someone's gonna sneak inside and ran with our gadgets. 0_o

I'm home alone so much sometimes I forget it. XD I'll be like, "Mom? MOMMMMMM! MOMMYYYYY? *Oh right...gone*"

I'm home alone right now. x3

I am home alone right now. My mom went to pick up my sister and run a few errands. I like being home alone because you can sing as much as you want and make as much noise as you want.

In Texas whenever I got off of school I was left alone with my cousins for a little bit.

i'm home alone often. but technically, its not really home alone since my sister is around. its rare when im actually ALONE

I've been at home alone plenty of times.

Right now I am. My parents and brothers come back late in the afternoon.

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