I'm leaving.............


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Well-known member
Mar 4, 2005
Reaction score
:unsure: I'm leaving Tama Talk forever because Admin thinks I hacked into mangorox's account!

Why would I do that? She is my best friend!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (We go to school together).

So I thought, "Why should I stay on Tama Talk when no one likes me? And besides, i'm not gonna wait to get hacked myself!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Goodbye Tama Talk! <_<

I hope your happy Admin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

:p Ok, everybody sit down.

Why don't you just explain to Admin that you didn't? It's ok, it can all be sorted out with a bit of talking. You don't have to leave.

So come back! Tamatalk is a happy place, and I've heard the hacking are being sorted out, so in the end, everything will be ok...

:wub: Smile! :D

Hacking is a filthy affair. Very few people come out of it looking good.

However, You can't just let it happen! Fight for Justice if you know that your not the hacker!

if u go 2 skool wiv mangarox, then sort it out wiv her/him and maybe she'll tell admin that it wasn't u!

unless she/he doesn't believe u

I'm sure Admin didn't want for you to leave Tama Talk, I'm sure Admin just wants to get to the bottom of the whole situation. Wait for the situation to cool down, and then if you still want to leave, you're welcome to.

Plus, many people on Tama Talk like you! Don't feel like we don't.

dont leave cos of sumthing u didnt do. talk 2 admin and tell him it wasnt u

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