I'm not afraid to die


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I saw another topic in (non)tamatalk and it was about a friend that died from lekimia, and she was only 12 years old. Well, I inheirited my mother's heart disease. And when I do die, probably from that disease, I would be happy, so I'm not afraid to die. But I would wanna be cremated, because my soul doesn't belong enclosed in the ground, it needs to be free, with god and the world.
It's nice that you are not afraid of Death, but I find it depressing that you know exactly what you are gonig to die from.

I admire the fact that you are strong about this particular subject.

I believe that your soul starts to leak out of your body about a week before you die. When your soul is gone, you die. Your soul is set free for as long as it wants, and it wanders the earth. Nobody can see, hear, smell, or feel it. Then, when it's tired of wandering, it is reborn. I believe in Heaven, Hell, angels, and devils, but I don't think that people go there. I think that Heaven is where the angels live, and Hell is where the devils live. And angels and devils are not dead people. They are spirits that control the elements of earth. I believe that every few years, the angels and devils open up a bridge from Heaven to Hell to have a meeting. But when the sky meets the earth, chaos is born. So, when they open up the bridge, something bad happens. So the angels have a lot of work to do after each meeting.

...And that is what I believe...

I hear if you have unfinished buisness on earth your soul wanders on earth and becomes this so called "ghost".And until your soul fineshes its unfinished buisness.So ghosts are real.They are spirits that have unfinished buisness.But thats only what I hear.I believe that when you die either you go up in eternal love with god or eternal suffering.Anyway cant finish.On demand movie Problem child 2.

I believe that your soul starts to leak out of your body about a week before you die. When your soul is gone, you die. Your soul is set free for as long as it wants, and it wanders the earth. Nobody can see, hear, smell, or feel it. Then, when it's tired of wandering, it is reborn. I believe in Heaven, Hell, angels, and devils, but I don't think that people go there. I think that Heaven is where the angels live, and Hell is where the devils live. And angels and devils are not dead people. They are spirits that control the elements of earth. I believe that every few years, the angels and devils open up a bridge from Heaven to Hell to have a meeting. But when the sky meets the earth, chaos is born. So, when they open up the bridge, something bad happens. So the angels have a lot of work to do after each meeting....And that is what I believe...
That is great to beleive! (seriously!) but....what about apocalypse, when all humans die and the Sun exands so much that the earth is blown up? Will heaven and hell be open for one to choose? who knows........I agree with you tho on that.

I'm not afraid of dieing, because I'll just go to heaven... It'll be wonderful, no sadnes, no hurt, God will wipe our tears away...

My mom's a nurse at a seinors hospital. She said there was this woman who was about 104. Anyway,my mom said when she was dieing she said she could feel her soul floating away.

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