Im not new but....


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Well-known member
Feb 8, 2007
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I have four tamas one of each version well thats have batteries anyways The point is I love them all alot and I want to look after them more than I do. But at my highschool if you have tamagotchis you get teased and most likley people would take them from you. I really want them with me so I can look after them between periods and such. But I'm worried people would be mean and mayby even steal my tamas.

I would really like some advice or suggestions about what to do because me and my frienads all love our tamas alot and we want to be with them all the time! I hate having to send them to sleep while I'm at school and only playing with them for ten minutes in the morning before school because once I jump in the car to head to school I have to turn of the sound and send them to sleep.

I really want more time with my tamas your advice would really help me or even a few comments.


At my school people get teased with tamas too. I just do what you do, put them to sleep. Its better then pausing.

Hey i feel sooo sorry 4 u heres my tip im not sure if it will help but... NEwayz u and your mates at lunch should sit in a tight circle and not let NE1 c u. or if ur on your own pretend 2 b readsing while ur really playing!! i really hope it helps. im almost lost 4 words that is just soo mean. not like tamas!! im outraged us tama luvers gotta stick 2gether right. I really hope u and ur mates dont get teased. GO TAMAGOTCHIES!!!

I take mine to work and it seems to be fine. I took the keychain off the top and made a beaded bracelet at the top of the chain, There I can wear her on my wrist and tuck her safely against my arm under long sleeves. That works for when I am not playing with her to keep her discreetly next to me. Then I'll check on her when I take a break. Whether or not you do something like that is up to you and whether or not it feels safe to you. Above all, if you do not feel right with it, leave her home.

:kusatchi: :wacko: :huh: AWWWWWWWW thanks guys all your suggestions are really nice!

I really do think us tama lovers should stick together!!! We should stand up for whats right for our tamas! In primary school it was no worries but in highschool its unfair! I will keep them asleep most of the time because at least thier well looked after but near the gym theres this stair place that goes down and no one hangs there so ill suggest to mi besties that we should hang down there and play with our tamas!!!

But as I was saying we really should stick up for our lil tamas!

I bet theres loads of kids who love there tamas but are afraid to show them and Im gonna find out who these people are and see if they share the same feeling!

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