I'm really wondering...


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Feb 22, 2006
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Can you guys tell me when the teenager changes into an adult? I'm not quite sure. I'm thinking it's at age 7 (I hope not!) is it true? I really want to know what my teenager will turn out to be and what job it's going to have! CAN'T WAIT.



LOL :(

i think a teen evolves...

when... you tama is like...

2, 3 or 4

i think it depends on how much you paused it and stuff.

7 is definately already an adult

i think a teen evolves...when... you tama is like...

2, 3 or 4

i think it depends on how much you paused it and stuff.

7 is definately already an adult
its wrong. if you paused a lot, the ageing will be effected, too.

anyway, the teen will evovled into an adult at the age of 3.

Well, depending on how much you pause your tama, I'd say when its 2-4 years it will turn into a teen.

I suggest don't pause it, because your tama will have to make up for lost time

It Depends on the length of time you pause it (if you dont, then it should normally transform from teen to adult around age 3-4, mostly 4)

Not every Tamagotchi in the world will evolve at one certain age, it depends on how much you pause it (if you do that is) and Take care of it in My opinion.


It Depends on the length of time you pause it (if you dont, then it should normally transform from teen to adult around age 3-4, mostly 4)
Not every Tamagotchi in the world will evolve at one certain age, it depends on how much you pause it (if you do that is) and Take care of it in My opinion.

I agree. Pausing affects your growth rate tremendously. Also, it depends on how well you care for it and what character it will be.
the youngest i've ever had was 3 years old and the latest was 5 don't worry it'll be soon just try not to pause it

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