I'm scared of too many things...


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Well-known member
Dec 26, 2005
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I don't know why, but I have so many fears. It's annoying! There are many things I cannot do because I'm too afraid.

I'm scared of the dark... because when I walk in the dark, I feel unstable and frightened. I cannot walk properly and I don't like what I can't see.

I'm scared of heights... just because of the dizzifying drop if I fall.

I'm scared of flying... because of my fear of heights and my fear of aeroplane toilets.

I'm scared of loud noises... so I'm scared of balloons, aeroplane toilets, smoke alarms and pretty much anything that makes loud noises.

I'm scared of certain flowers (believe it or not)... because one day I looked down and saw a flower and literally thought it was going to eat me up!

I'm scared of going away from home... because I feel safe at home and hate stepping into the unknown.

I'm scared of rain... because of my Tamagotchi (it's on 84th generation and I don't wanna lose so much!) and I absolutely hate getting wet.

I would like some advice if you can give it.

Hmmm.Well with the dark thing you could sleep with a bright night-light at first and then maybe a moth later or so,sleep with a dim one,and if you feel comfortable with that move on to no night-light at all!

With flying,whenever you fly don't look out a window and if you do,try to think of it a like a movie screen.

Flowers,remember they're smaller than you and if you happen to get scared,step on them!(my little cousin is afraid of flowers too and sometimes she laughs a sinister-ly :) to make herself laugh)

Going away from home,if you're going to a freind's house they probably were scared to leave home at one point too and if you start to miss home they'll understand!I know,I had that problem too.

Rain,put your tama in a clear plastic bag and press the plastic up to the screen so you can see it and play still.

And if these don't work 2 things to remember:

Everyone's afraid of something and you're takin' advice from a 10-year-old!

We all have fears... I'm afraid of plenty, too...


-Spiders (and certain bugs)



-Deep water

-Tornadoes (or severe storms)


-Driving/riding in vehicles with people I don't know well

...I'm sure there's more.

Some things you'll always have, others you'll get over with time, and yet others you'll have to force yourself to get over. Everyone has something they're scared of, some of us just have a lot more somethings. :)

And, I'm afraid of heights, yet I was in a plain once and it actually wasn't that bad at all. When you look out the window it doesn't even seem real.

Everyone has there own fears, and alot of yours I have too.

It's normal so don't feel worried. My weirdest fear is of gorillas...

Theres nothing wrong with having fears and I don't see anything wrong with your fears they are normal ones. Sometimes you have to face your worst fear to overcome and beat it. Start with little steps then gradually move to bigger steps. You can overcome them.

-Tornadoes (or severe storms)
Me too!

Now remeber, Theres nothing to fear than fear itself! Some person wrote that!

I have multiple fears.

You can not overcome any of them unless you try, example: Sense you are a fraid at night to go to bed because it is dark, Try each night turning off one at a time with the lights. Go steady don't rush. ;)

...You can not overcome any of them unless you try, example: Sense you are a fraid at night to go to bed because it is dark, Try each night turning off one at a time with the lights. Go steady don't rush. ;)
I took psychology in high school... This reminded me...

There were two ways discussed to overcome fears. One was like described above, whatever your fear is, gradually work towards overcoming it, go at your own pace and if you need to, take a step back before continuing forward.

The other was basically a "jump in head first" method. So, using the fear or darkness as an example, instead of gradually turning off the lights, you'd basically just shut them off and face the darkness head on.

I forget the technical names for these methods. :D

MsKtty89 - Haha, if those applied to me the first one would be for me to go outside for a little while and then keep adding on time to my outings and the second one would be to sit on my porch all day. (My fear is bugs. *shudders* Uggh...)

Now, this is normal. Everyone has fears. The important thing is not to let these things take control of your life and prevent you from doing things you enjoy doing. Work gradually to overcome the simpler fears like the flowers. Maybe go to a botanical garden with your family. Just remember that, well, flowers can move. And the only flowers that like to such things up on venus fly traps. And they suck up flies. It can't do anything to you.

As for your darkness fear, get a nightlight. When you go to bed, turn on your nightlight and remind yourself that there's nothing to be afraid of. It's a common fear, and you may outgrow it, but if not, there are ways to overcome it. Like maybe, at night, when you're watching TV, turn out the lights so all you have for light is the TV. It's still dark, but the TV light will make it less scary. And just keep going from there. Gradually start switching to a dimmer nightlight until you can sleep with no nightlight at all.

Ahh, let's see where are we. Ok, heights and flying. Lots of people are afraid of heights, you're not alone. So don't worry. There's a slim chance you'll really be in any kind of "climbing mountains" situation. (Although in the 4th grade the gym teachers took us to climb to the top of two mountains. I doubt that will ever happen to you though. XDD) As for flying, if you ever do go on a plane, bring something to entertain yourself so you won't be tempted to look out the window. And try to get a seat in the middle of the plane by the wings. I hear that's where you'll feel less of the motion.

Now, loud noises. Loud noises can startle anyone if they come out of nowhere, especially if it's really quiet. Don't be afraid, it's likely to be nothing. Probably just someone yelling. I think it just startles you for the moment, I really don't think you'd be actually scared of it.

Rain and being away from home: Well, when you're out with you Tama and it's raining, put your Tama on a lanyard and keep it under your shirt, or just put it in one of your handbags. And being away from home - You really have nothing to worry about. There are plenty of safe places where you might end up. A friend's house is just as safe as yours, and so is school. Being out in public is a little different, but that's why you should never go out alone. Always have a parent with you going out. And although there is a chance that things can happen anywhere you go, but there is a very slim chance.

Well, good luck with overcoming your fears and I hope I could be of help.

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