I'm so upset...


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Well-known member
Dec 1, 2006
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<-------That Way------->
Okay - I'm literally crying right now... really hard :(

everything was fine...

But now:

My friend ignored me and gossiped... and all of my friends are ignoring me, and I ask why when I make friends with her again, but she admits she had no reason and all my other friends don't talk to me as much...

A Popular boy (who can hang out with popular girls- but not always nice to me) he called me emo (no offence to anyone...), that ticked me off. I said "I'm not emo! I'm just upset about a friend problem" and we were doing a thing in Language where we acted out a poem, and he said "You should be "death at the door(a saying in the poem)!" I said: "Stop!" and he said - you were a black jaket all the time, but it has a BIG pink stripe on it! and I unzipped my jacket to show my Bambi and Thumper shirt that said "BFF" with rainbow hearts - I said "How is this emo?!" and when we acted out the scene at "death at the door" he pointed at me! :( Boys call me emo - but I'm always talking about webkinz, or my pretty rainbow picture.. :( They just don't know the real happy me!

And I've had a cold for a few days >.> And I tried playing a game and I got a head ache 'cause it's confusing and I got mad and yelled at my bro - and now I'm crying.

Why? I don't hate myself! nor do I hate my life! I'm just sad and I need a break!!!

I called my dad on the phone but he got mad 'cause he's busy and he doesn't want me "complaining to him"

Idk what to do! I'm way far from hanging out with OTHER friends 'cause my school is little - and I know everyone in my grade! And none of them are just friends that you hang out with...

I'm tired of this!! (p.s. 10 friends are ignoring me more and more [now a little less and less] but my 1st friend who started it all said that they're is no reason why she did, but she wont streaten things out!)

*cry* I need to let it out!

It's good you let it out here. Bottling up emotions is no good.

Now, gossipers suck. Believe me, I know. Just because your friends won't talk to you right now doesn't mean they never will. I know they will talk to you soon. But if you ask me, what kind of friends are they? They're ignoring you for some stupid gossip, would you ever do that to one of them? I hope not.

Try to talk to this girl again, but if she doesn't listen just block her out of your mind until things straighten up.

Also, maybe make some new friends if your up to it. These girls sound very imature.

And about the emo thing, let them think what they want. They know your not emo, they just bug you because you give a reaction. Next time say "Haha, you should be a comedian.." if they say something mean.

Best wishes. It'll all work out.

You can't let them get to you.

I know it's tough, but it's only going to get harder as you grow up. You have to stand up for yourself.

People at my school call eachother emo all the time - you just learn to laugh along with them instead of making a big deal out of it.

Next time someone says something like that, just say "Ha, good one!" Or just laugh along. They're probably just kidding, anyway.

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